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Y/N was now sitting in her office looking over documents, the end of the day already nearing. The meetings that day had already tired her out and not to mention the one in the morning which had irritated her. Mr. Jeon had barely left which meant she was now alone on the floor, which she enjoyed and appreaciated the silence. She had nothing against the elder but the sound of typing on the computer had grown to irritate her that day.

The sound of a knock had interrupted the silence as she simply sighed before letting out a 'come in' to the person on the other side. As the young male entered he was in awe with the female's features and look. Although she still had her head down, looking at documents he was already admiring her features. Her perfect messy bun, while her white long sleeve blouse was rolled up, with two buttons undone at the top, slightly parted lips, and the round glasses resting on her nose bridge had given her an effortless and professional look.

Not hearing a single word being said the female looked up to see a guy which appeared to be younger than her staring at her. She noticed how his hair was covering his sparkly eyes and how his bunny teeth ,complimenting his chubby cheeks, slightly showed as he had his mouth parted. "Who are you?" The male snapped out of his trance before bowing and greeting her. "I'm Jeon Jungkook. My father had an appointment today so I'm here to cover the rest of his shift."

Y/N nodded remebering her assistant's words earlier that day. "Great. Have you had experience with this kind of work?" Jungkook nodded before speaking up. "I usually help my father when he has too much work." At this Y/N raised her brow when Mr.Jeon had turned in the files he was in charge of there was no mistakes which meant that the files that he had worked on were well done. Intrigued by how young he looked and how efficient his work was she began wondering something "How old are you?"

"I'll be turning twenty two this year. I am currently in college." Y/N was amazed by how a college student near her age could do such a job without graduating yet, almost intirgued. Standing up she grabbed some files that were stacked on her desk before walking towards him. "Here there is only a few, but before I give you more I want to see how you work." Jungkook quickly nodded before dismissing himself to his father's office.

A few minutes had passed and the atmosphere was quiet which had surprised Y/N as there should have been typing on the computer heard. The door once again creaked open and this time she decided to not look up as she was still working and already knew who it was. "Place the files on the desk and take a seat while I check them." Instead of seeing files she heard a voice which immediately made her stomach churn and her mood grow irritated once more.

"Sorry but its not that old man its your future husband." Y/N rolled her eyes at his snarky remark and overconfidence before standing up and looking at him.

"Unlike you, Mr. Jeon is well behaved and actually tolerable. He doesn't waste my time." The male bitterly laughed also beggining to get irritated by the female. Both hated each other but they were forced to see each other because of their parents. "I came to inform you that we will start planning for the wedding tomorrow, so show up for the dinner." His tone had turned serious and simply stood there glaring at his arranged fiance. "Who said I agreed to the marriage?" The female defied him.

"Your parents." Y/N simply smirked already knowing he was irritated by her behavior. Seeing this the male would not let himslef be defeated. "Sorry to disappoint you but unfortunately you have to follow their orders since you are nothing without them." Jiwoon smirked knowing he had infuriated the female. She hated not being given credit for her efforts and told that she was nothing without those people. Although both were angered at this point, they would never let the other see it.

As she was about to speak up once more both heard footsteps coming near her door diverting their attention towards it before staring at each other once more. The young CEO smirked as she saw the boy behind the annoying figure open the door.

"Your parents have already approved of this marriage, so show up to dinner for your own good." The black-haired girl simply ignored him walking to the male standing there confused.

She grabbed his arm bringing him in front of the cocky male intertwining his hands with the clueless boy. "Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm already engaged." Y/N simply smirked seeing both males' shocked reaction. As she was about to leave the office with the male her hand was currently entangled with, the other male spoke up.

"Would your parents agree with this?"
The female stopped slightly turning her head.

"I don't obey anyone. Especially those people."

As the fake couple was about to exit the male said something which caused both of them to stop and make the younger one's heart race. "Prove it. Prove your a couple."

Turning to look at Jungkook, Y/N shot him a quick look of apology before placing her lips on his.

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