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The male had been awake for a couple of hours now. He had simply stayed in bed staring at the female's features as she slept. Her eyes were softly shut while her lips stayed in a small pout making him smile softly.

The girl looked so peaceful and calm making want to stare at her all day, however it wasn't possible. His hands had also been caressing her head his fingers running through her black locks.

Although he had fallen sleep only four hours earlier he had constantly been waking up just to make sure the female was okay. He had been laying there for almost three hours now and he had no intention of leaving until she woke up.

As if knowing he had been waiting for her, the female's gray eyes fluttered open looking back at the brown orbs staring at her.

For a moment none of them said a word nor moved only staring at each other as the sun draped a sheet of light over them. Both had blinked however their positions remained the same.

It was only until Y/N raised her hand to reach the male's brown locks that there was any movement.

"What are you doing here?"

Jungkook stared at her before opening his mouth.

"I stayed with you the night to make sure you are okay." The girl only nodded not saying anything.

All of a sudden he retracted his hand from her as if he had been burned by boiling water causing Y/N's brows to furrow.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook stared at his hand before looking back up to meet the female's confused gaze.

"Do I also make you feel that way?"


"Yesterday night after Jiwoon touched your wrist you immediately came to the restroom and washed your skin to get his touch off of you. Do I also make you feel that way?"

Y/N simply stared at him seeing how his eyes were turning red and teary. She also saw his lip slightly quiver along with a soft whimper. Meanwhile Jungkook feared for the worst. He would have been so angered at himself if he had ever made her feel that way. That was the last thing he would have ever wanted.

"Y/N I-"

"No." He sat up at the same time she did both of their emotions matching one another. Fear.

As they both stared at one another they saw their tears coming out of their eyes. "Your touch does not feel that way." Y/N grabbed his hand placing it against her cheek as she leaned into it,closing her eyes.

Jungkook simply stared at her. Her expression before seemed pain however now she was comforted as if she loved feeling his touch.

"Your touch is the most comforting and warmth I have eve felt. However their touch is like torns touching me. I can feel myself being disgusted with them, but with you it's different... And I mean it."

The male didn't waste a second longer before bringing her into his embrace. Both young adults remained that way the whole morning, no words needing to be said, just their presence filling the void they had in their lives for one another.


The cold female made her way to the office, already dressed up looking intimidating as ever while her assistant remained by her side. Every single employee became quiet, while her secretary stood up right away rushing to her, handing Jungkook her schedule. The female ignored the shaking secretary's bow ignoring her presence too busy making a phone call.

Not a single person in the room understood what she was saying as she was speaking fluent German, however with the serious expressions she had they knew she was talking with a potential business partner.

The duo made their way into the elevator as the CEO's phone call ended adverting her attention to the male standing behind her in the cubicle. "Schedule?"

The assistant opened up the folder as he began to read of the list of appointments. "You have a meeting in 5 minutes and afterwards you have a phone call scheduled with the ambassadors in Italy." The female nodded checking her watch as the elevator door opens arriving in their destination.

As the door opened everyone turned around and stood up greeting their boss along with her assistant as she took the center of the long table seeing a familiar person in front of her.

"The knight and shining armor, surprising to see you actually took the task, I would have expected you to run after the little girl." The mocked male simply fisted his hand however cleared his throat before speaking up. "I dont back down from challenges, not even a CEO's."

Y/N simply smirked as she heard the tinge of attitude the worker failed to hide. This would be amusing.

"Very well then. Impress me."

The worker began his presentation having everyone's attention as he proposed his plan of the furture partnerships the corporation could have with its upcoming collectoin and the benefits and drawbacks it could also have.

By half of it no one was paying attention to him but rather to the CEO who had strangely stayed silent throughout the whole entire presentation. As the male finished his power point he turned back to the female who simply had a blank stare on her face.

"Very impressive Mr. Lee."

The male's face immediately formed into a cocky smirk, while every single employee present was shocked at these strnge words coming from her mouth.

The female stood up making her way towards him before she stopped right in front of him. "Who makes that many mistakes in one single presentation?"

She stood in front of the board staring at it before grabbing it and ripping it apart gaining a gasp from everyone present.

"Slide 5, the amount would not be 9,678,595 it would be 9,654,743. Slide 8, the mentioned company is not in the fashion industry, but in the beauty industry. Slide 11 this has already been presented before, and was proved wrong, and lastly Slide 14 would not be a drawback but would be a benefit to the company by making us seem superior."

As she turned around she saw the enraged male glaring her way, making her smirk at him.

"Congratulations, I have never seen a bigger piece of trash my whole life. You had weeks yet you still presented me with a load of bull crap. Who was she to you? Your girlfriend?"

"She was my fiance."

The female only chuckled. "Was it worth it? Your ex-fiance is the reason why you did this? The relationship didn't even last, however your whole entire life went to waste because of her. Guess life really does suck. You're fired."

As she was about to turn around the male grabbed her shoulder turning her harshly raising his hand towards the CEO.

Before he could even hit her, a hand stopped him tossing him to the ground making everyone gasp in the room.

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