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"M-move in with y-you?"

"Y-yes." She mocked his stuttering only for him to glare at her before going back to his panicking state. "But what will people think?" Y/n stared at him as if he had grown a second head. "That we are a couple. Isn't that what this whole entire thing is about? Even if they talked, it doesnt matter what people think. They can talk all they want but at the end of the day they will only talk behind your back and will never be capable of doing anything to you. They don't have the guts to, so there is nothing for you to care about. Unless.... Do you have someone's opinion you actually care about?"

The young CEO got up walking towards the sitting male before spinning his chair towards her and standing above him. She neared his face before going near his ear and whispering. "Tell me love, Do you already have a girlfriend?" She retreated back and grabbed his chin to observe the male's reaction, only to see just what she expected.

The poor guy was all red even his ears had a red tint to them while she could hear his heart beat increasing. As they made eye contact Jungkook shook his head, making
Y/n smirk at his innocent and submissive behavior. "I hope not because I don't like sharing what's mine." With that she placed a small kiss on his lips before walking back to her chair with a mischevious smirk on her face.

The female continued working, putting on her her gold round glasses and looking at the documents in the computer. As she noticed the male was not moving she spoke up teasing him even further. "Baby are you not going to leave or were you expecting more?" Hearing her words Jungkook bolted out of his chair rushing towards the door making Y/N chuckle.


The day had already been over as it was already one am, while Y/n was still in her office. She would be lying to herself if she wouldn't admit that she was already done with all this crap and wanted to go back to her bed and never get up from it.

Her actions from earlier had reflected how truly exhausted she was and how much she needed sleep. She was disappointed at herself for making a professional relationship into a personal one but she had to do what it takes to get rid of the arranged marriage her parents had put her through.

As she was lost in her thoughts she heard multiple rumbling noises which were unusual at this time of day since she was usually always alone at this hour. Deciding it was best to see what was going on she stood up and opened the door to her office only to see a light under Jungkook's door. Carefully she approached the door, ready for anything when she spotted her assistant sitting in his desk analyzing some documents. Walking up to him she crossed her arms, showing how she was slightly annoyed at he was still here at this hour. "Jeon you are supposed to be home by now. Why are you still here?" The younger looked up at her with doe eyes reminding her of their agreement. "I was supposed to move in with you today but you haven't left the office and I don't know where you live so instead of just sitting around to wait for you I decided to do some work."

Their conversation earlier had slipped her mind and she realised that the younger was in fact just waiting for her as she noticed the suit cases beside his desk. " Come on we are going home." With those words she walked out of his office going towards hers to pick up her things. As Jungkook walked out he noticed how she had a case with her as well as her bag. Carrying his two suit cases he approached her extending his hands out to help her carry her things. Ignoring his hand she instead walked towards the elevator entering it while waiting for him.

Once both were inside she closed the cubicle pressing their destination for the parking lot. Both stood there not saying a word as the female closed her eyes while Jungkook simply stared at her finding himself admiring her features once more. "Take a picture it'll last longer." For the nth time today the male became flustered but this time instead of teasing him the female looked straight. "I apologize for my strange behavior earlier today I promise it will never happen again. Our relationship is strictly professional and we will keep it away. I know you are not fond of me, observing your actions this past week, and I took advantage of your uncomfortable behavior to tease you and I know it was unprofessional of me to do so, so you don't have to worry Mr.Jeon today's events will never occur again."

Jungkook would be lying if he said he wasn't sad about the way she grew distant with him over a time span of only hours but he knew he deserved it as he had treated her the same way the whole entire week when all she did was help him. Now he would have to suffer the consequences.


Both arrived at the mansion while the younger was amazed at the large building in front of him. As they passed by the garden the male continued admiring the place amazed by how big and elegant it looked. When the door opened before his eyes his eyes widened even more than what he believed they could.

The house had a giant chandelier in the living room and the complimalentary furniture made everything look more elegant. "Come upstairs I'll show you your room."

As they passed various doors they finally stopped in front of two large black doors. "This is your room. If you ever need help there is a button next to the bed which connects to my room so I can hear, and just in case the button malfunctions my room is two doors to the left. But please make those encounters the least possible Jeon."

Before the younger could reply or even thank her the female's phone rang. "One moment." She walked away from the younger making him stand there and observe her as she made the phone call. He had noticed how her attitude had taken a turn towards him. While earlier she was more playful and teasing, now she was more strict, cold, and distant.

He knew that she would've remained friendly to him if it wasn't for him acting the way he did with her and honestly he deserved it. During that week he had tried to ruin her day. He would come to work late from college and purposely made mistakes however she remained patient him.

Her sudden raise of voice startled him intereupting his trail of thoughts. "Since when do I need to explain myself to you? You found out I am already engaged and there is a possible chance that I may ruin your business, which obviously isn't convenient for you which is why you call me? In case you forgot I am not a product which you can simply sale nor control." The male saw her hung up and violently throw her phone towards the ground.

He had heard of her agressive and impulsive behavior from her father the day he had left. Too be honest he was slightly afraid of even approaching her, but he knew if he didn't things would get worse. As he saw her grab a vase and about to throw it he quickly ran towards her backhugging her.
Feeling his arms around her waist and his face nuzzling into her neck Y/n immediately relaxed.

"Its okay. I'm here you can count on me."

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