Time passed

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2 years later
It had been years since the male had last seen the female he had once liked. However the only feelings now left towards her was confusion on why she kept him away. Once the week he was supposed to stay passed, his father had looked at him with pity as he observed his son looking at his phone for a message on when he would depart once more. However it never came.

Now that two years passed and his father's treatment was finally done. He would return to Korea and he will get an explanation. No matter what.

"Flight 0613 is now departing, we are headed to Seoul, South Korea."


Looking around the airport, the male was grateful for the familiar scenery he had missed these last two years. He enjoyed the fresh London air and the the foreign experience, but no place compared to home. As he was walking he felt the stares of multiple females however not one caught his attention, he was here for only one specific woman. A woman which belonged to him.

London had changed him. While back then he had a more reserved and submissive aura around him, now he appeared to be more masculine and dominant. Not only had his interior change, but so did his exterior. The male appeared to be more muscular and had a sharper jawline appearing more matured and manly.

Hailing for a taxi a girl which appeared to be older than him approached him. "Umm... My name is Hyejin. I was wondering if I could have your number?"

Jungkook only smirked putting on his sunglasses, afterwards opening the taxi door, leaving the female shocked and embarrassed at his cold behavior.


The taxi stopped in front of the familiar house he had once lived in. It still looked just as big and elegant as he had remembered. "Could you wait here some minutes? It won't take long." The old taxi driver nodded as Jungkook took that as a signal to go ahead. Standing in front of the entrance, the male felt his thumping heart accelerate once more as if the feeling had never left. Whether it was out of love or anticipation for something else, he didn't know.

It had been long since he had seen her. He wondered if she had changed. Did she become taller? Did she look more mature? Perhaps she looked just the same as he had remembered? But one thing he knew, no matter how much he tried to lie to himself saying she was evil and manipulative, he knew she would be beautiful. A beautiful deception.

Once he finally rang the door bell a woman opened the door. One he was not familiar with. "Is Ms. Kwon Y/N here ?" The older lady only shook her head. "Do you know at what time will she be back?"

"She doesn't live here anymore. I'm the new house owner. I have been for the last two years."

He was not surprised. Of course she had moved. She knew that when he would come back he would look for her. She can hide wherever she wanted, but he would find her.

Jungkook bowed before saying his farewell, returning to the taxi. The driver only looked at him as he was buckling his seat belt. "Where to now?"

"Kwon Industries."


The male was sitting on an airport terminal for the second time that day, however this time he wasn't headed to Seoul. He was on his way to Beijing.
He had remembered the encounter he had with the woman just an hour ago.

Once he entered the building he spotted the familiar female sitting on the front desk. "Jungkook?" The sound of the voice made him stop and turn around.

As he turned he spotted the foreign market's chief. Mrs.Kim. " What are you doing here, shouldn't you be in Beijing?" The male grew confused at her question. "Why should I be in Beijing?"

"Aren't you with the CEO? I heard that's were she went two years ago. The week after I first met you all of a sudden there was an announcement that the headquarters would change from Seoul to Beijing. We haven't heard anything since. I didn't see you afterwards so I thought you went with her."

Not only did she leave her house she also left her company. For him not to find her. He clenched his fist at the thought that she really wanted to get rid of him. Was he just a joke to her? No matter what he would see her again.

"Flight to Beijing is now departing. Your flight should be landing in two hours in half, we hope you have a great stay."

Kwon Y/N this time you will Submit.

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