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She left her hands hanging by her side after she had placed the vase back to the table. Although it was him that had hugged her by surprise, she could hear his heartbeat pulsating rapidly at their close distance.
At the moment she was thankful for him for knowing how to take control of the situation and make her feel better, although he had only worked with her for a week.

A few minutes had passed and the young adults remained in the same position before Y/N decided to move. When she turned around she looked up at him and immediately felt sorry for what she was about to say. "My parents want to meet you." The female analyzed his face and she saw a look of shock and worry cross his face. "We have to go have lunch with the tomorrow, but don't worry about a thing I knew this was going to happen so I already have everything under control. I know all those snakes too well. "

She walked passed him standing in front of his bedroom door unlocking it. Jungkook approached her as she turned around and placed the key in his hands. "Here this is yours now. Get some rest, you'll need it." Once more she passed by him and he did the same entering the room. Just as he was about to close the door her heard her voice once more and her heels stop. "Thank you for what you did back there. It helped." A small smile appeared on his lips as he finished closing the door ready to go to sleep and afraid of tommorow' s event.


Both young adults sat in the car making their way towards a dreadful event. Both stared starightly not looking at one another. While Jungkook was afraid of what people like Y/N's parents would think of someone like him, Y/N was worried knowing how clever her 'parents' were. She knew how they would make the younger feel inferior to them the moment they entered that room. The moment she had told him this she had regreted it, but today she made it her mission to not let anything happen to him nor hurt him.

Slowly she held his hand making the male turn around and look at her. A small smile was directed towards him in attempt to comfort him. Without noticing the car stopped, as the dreadful moment had arrived.

As soon as they entered the large mansion multiple servants were aligned greeting the heir bowing down continuously. While the female was used to it and walked she noticed how the one beside him slightly tensed. She wanted to speak to him but knowing she was observed she clutched his hand giving it a light squeeze as if telling him ' don't worry, I'll be here, by your side '.

When the doors opened the couple was greeted by the two elder adults and another male present. Immediately Y/N's gaze hardened seeing the person she had threatned a few days ago. "What are you doing here?" The elder female present spoke up getting up. "He is your fiance of course he should be present. Do you not remember me telling you that I wanted to see both of you?" The younger female tore her gaze away from Jiwoon facing her maternal figure. "I believed I asked him, can he not speak for himself or is he going to act like afive year old?" This time her paternal figure stood up rushing towards her, "How dare you speak like that to your mother! Do you have any respect for the people who raised you!" As he was about to slap her, the young CEO grabbed his arm.

"Raised me? Who are you trying to lie to? Are you trying to play the role of the perfect guardian? It is only us here, there is no one to act for. Neither of you raised me. Did you forget you are only my uncle and aunt? You have no right to hit me or even touch me." She went near him tightening her hold on his wrist whispering. "Don't cross the line because I can easily make both of your lives miserable."

She threw his arm leaving the elder shocked as well as everyone in the room quiet. "I asked you a question, what are you doing here?" Jiwoon turned towards her slightly afraid meeting her cold glare. "Your paren-" he quickly corrected himself looking at her intensified gaze. " uncle and aunt told me to come here, I simply followed their orders."

Y/N turned around making her way towards the office Jiwoon immediately following, leaving Jungkook alone with her family. As the male closed the door the female faced him. "I thought I told you to cancel the wedding." The arranged fiance looked at her already knowing where this was coming from." Why haven't you then? You act like you are in control of them and order me to cancel it when you can easily do it? So why are waiting for me to cancel it?" Immediately she had sensed the arrogance in her voice. His attempt on being clever making her laugh, surprising the male, before it all came to a stop.

" You obviously don't think. Do you know anything about business? Those people know what they are doing, your parents know what they are doing. They are only using us. Those stupid and arrogant people faked my signature and signed and areement to make me marry you! If I cancel the wedding they keep this house, the company, my whole entire fortune! If it was for me I could care less but I can't, I won't let the money my parents worked hard for go to waste. I never will. So if the only thing you need is money and luxury to cancel the wedding, tell me. I could make you a millionare and that way neither of us have to be tied to someone we don't love." Jiwoon clearly saw the stress, frustration and anger collected all inside her. "I don't want anything because I won't cancel the wedding. So keep on waiting. Or do it yourself." With that he exited the office closing the door hearing multiple glass objects being shattered and thrown in the room.

"I can't cancel the wedding....

Because I love you."

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