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Hearing the elder woman's words both Jaehyun and Jungkook stood up about to defend Y/N when the said female turned around and walked to her aunt.

"Mm. You're right. No one has stayed. But both you and I know I could care less for those things."

The female's expression remained cold and distant. She wouldn't let her aunt win. She would never let her win.

"You know what you're also right about? That I am a monstrosity, so if I were you I would be careful. Never know when you could get caught in my claws."

Without a single glance back she exited the room once and for all as her fists tightened against the bag in her hand.

She wouldn't let her win. She could never have the satisfaction of affecting her.

Even if the tears threatening to fall in her eyes said other wise.


The sky was dark as the young CEO stood in front the two grave stones of the person she cared the most for. She could hear the thunder near her however none of that seemed to matter as she held the two bouquet of white roses while staring at the names engraved on the tombstones.

Names which she wish she could call in moments like this. Names which had been foreign to her mouth since she was little.

She knew what her aunt said was right. No one ever stayed. Not even her parents.

She could feel the hot tears cascading down her cheeks dropping in one after another. No matter how much she tried to make them stop they all fell as small sobs left her mouth.

Thankfully for her, rain soon began pouring drowning out her sobs and blending in her tears.

She missed her parents although she had almost no memory of them. They would always travel making her stay with her aunt all the time. She would have loved to experience a childhood just like how other kids had, but none of that was ever given to her. Instead she only sat and stared at them longing for the same emotions.

Only a week after her fifth birthday did she receive the news that her parents had died in an airplane. She knew that by then her life was basically taken from her. She would be used by her family only to achieve what they truly wanted.

A year later they sent her to the company to work although she was only six years old. Her uncle claimed it was for her to gain experience and truly appreciate every single aspect of the work everyone put into her parents' business, but she knew better than that. That was all an excuse to send her away for most of the day as they couldn't stand seeing the child of the people that they both wanted to marry. Both her mother and father.

If this had only been about her, she would have given them what they wanted. But it wasn't. This is about what her parents worked so hard for. She wouldn't let anyone just come and take it away.

Her tears came pouring down as the sobs she tried to contain into small one all became louder.

"I h-have to l-live really we'll be-ecause I'm living for them too."

Placing the roses down, it became harder for her to breathe as her loud sobs kept getting in the way.

"I mi-iss y-you both. I miss y-you s-so much. I want to h-hug you. I w-want to be by your s-side." Laying down she embraced both their graves as the multiple walls she build all cane falling down.

These 19 years of her life not once did she visit them, as she had always been so far away. She wanted to make sure her aunt and uncle couldn't reach them, but at the same time she also distanced herself from them. The people she needed the most in this world.

These nineteen years not once did she cry as she knew she had to remain strong for them. She had to remind herself that they wouldn't approve of her to be sad about their death, so instead she bottled it all in. To the point where it led to this painful meltdown.

This day was when her parents died as they returned to her. This day which they were going to surprise her for her fifth birthday and show up to spend it with her, they died. And she found out about it week later. Others claiming they did it to protect her.How could she celebrate when she felt responsible for their death. She knew that if it wasn't her birthday, they wouldn't have come back. If it wasn't for her none of this would have happened.

Who was she to even continue fighting for the people she had done so much damage to?

Her aunt was right. No one would stay, not for her.


She remained seated in her car although she was already outside her home. She simply stared of into the distance as dried tear stains remained on her face, while her throat burned from the breakdown she had experienced just a few hours ago.

The clock showed it was two in the morning, however none of that mattered, because in the end she knew no one would care for where she was. In just a few hours she would need to go back to who she hid behind a mask. She would need to be strong, even though all she wanted was for someone to be there for her. But she couldn't afford that. She couldn't allow for someone to care for her when in the end they could suffer the same destiny as her parents.

Sighing, she exited her car feeling her drenched clothes and hair stick to her skin. But none of that mattered. Nothing mattered.

Entering her house she was met by two figures pacing around her house while checking their watches.

Hearing the door close both their heads quickly turned towards her as they jogged up to her.

"Are you okay?"

Both males voiced out their concern, but she only gave them an emotionless face and a silent nod return.

Finally taking in her appearance they observed how she was drenched and her eyes were puffy although she tried to hide them. Instead of forcing her to talk they nodded to each other as one went to go grab towels and the other one headed to the kitchen.

Jungkook was the first one to come back as he wrapped a large towel around her before taking her to the couch and leaning her into his embrace. He could feel her trembling as his hold on her tightened assuring her he was by her side.

Jaehyun soon returned with a mug of warm tea, placing it into her hands as he crouched in front of her.

They both knew it wasn't what her aunt said to her that made her into this state. It was more than that. They could feel it. But they needed to know what made her so vulnerable. Jaehyun was the first one to speak up taking a hold of her shoulder in a reassuring manner.

"If it's because what your aunt said, don't listen to her. Don't let her ruin such a special day for you such as your birthday it's n-"

Although she was exhausted she spoke up knowing very well this only gain suspicion from them both. Something she never wanted to feel. Not from them. But she needed to make them leave. She knew they wouldn't be safe by her, so she needed to push them away. No matter how hard it was.

She was going to take her aunt's her words and use them to push them way. She knew their minds would immediately link her aunt's hatred towards that event. They would see her as a monster just as her aunt had portrayed her in front of everyone.

"Today is the day my parents got killed. That's why my aunt hates me, because it was all my fault."

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