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As she stared at herself in the mirror she could see the neck of her bathrobe exposing the red marks which had been done only a few hours ago. She would be lying to herself if she said that she didn't toss and turn that whole night, thinking about the event that occurred between them two.

She could still feel his breath on her neck as well as his lips pressing against it, as if marking his territory. She could feel his arms around her tightly embracing her and pressing her body against his, the heat passing onto one another.

She could feel arms begin wrapping onto her waist as lips took over her neck with small kisses. She knew she was becoming insane as her fantasies began to feel so real. However she didn't stop it. Instead she allowed herself to drown into the feeling, tilting her neck to the side giving her imagination more access.

It wasn't until she opened her eyes that she realized that the man she had been fantasizing about was actually behind her, with his head buried into her neck. No matter how much she told herself that she should be stopping him right now, her body completely ignored her thoughts allowing him to take full control of her for the second time that day.

While their minds told them that this was wrong and they were toxic for one another, their hearts and bodies craved for one another.

As his arms loosened around her waist, he turned her around before placing her onto the vanity which was now behind her. His body instantly made its way in between her legs while her hands instinctually placed themselves onto his chest which at the moment was bare.

They could feel one another's increasing heartbeat as they neared one another ,feeling their lips begin to mold together.

It had only been their second kiss however they could feel themselves quickly become addicted to the feeling of one another. Although this one was gentle rather than the rough one last night, they could feel the love that still existed after two years for one another. The female could feel herself become intoxicated.

But it all came to a stop.

The male suddenly detached himself before exiting her room without a single glance at her making his way to his room.

Once he had closed his door he let himself lean against it as his hand made its way to feel his rapid heartbeat pounding against his chest.

That wasn't why he had entered her room.

Initially he just wanted to go to finally confront her, which was something he was not able to properly do last night, and ask for explanations for everything she had done, however as he neared the door and saw it slightly open with her body only with a bathrobe and damp hair, it did something to him. The way her neck was slightly tilted with her eyes closed and her fingers grazing the places in her neck he had kissed last night, it triggered something within him that not even he could control.

As he neared her he could smell her intoxicating sent which always seemed so alluring to him that he placed his lips in her neck repeating the same actions he had done last night. The same being that had woken up last night taking over his body. From then on his mind became clouded with only her and the way she felt in between his hands.

A feeling he was scared of.

He once again entered the same building he had yesterday, already remembering its structure making his way to the front desk. As he arrived the elder lady looked up at him before smiling and begin speaking in Chinese. That's right. He was no longer in Korea. He was in Beijing. Not knowing what to say he simply bowed before stepping back and try to figure out a way to defeat the language barrier that stood between him and the rest of the people present.

As he grabbed his phone in attempt to use google translate, he turned it on, only to realize it was out of battery. Sighing, he placed it back in his pocket, the device not being of much use.

At that moment he realized that there was only one person who knew the language he spoke.

And that persons was her.

But how would she react seeing him in the building when he had no reason to be there? Especially after how he had left her in the morning.

It was the only way.

Making up his mind he went into the elevator arriving to her floor only two minutes later. Entering the room he could hear her speaking into the phone in Chinese as her eyebrow furrowed and she bit her pen a habit of hers which he had learned. She hadn't changed at all. She was still that stubborn and cold girl who always turned her back on anyone.

Was that why she turned her back on him? Because he was just anyone to her? Is that how she felt about him? Did his presence truly bother her that much that she sent him to London without a way back? He could feel his fist beginning to clench as he tried to block all the negative thoughts which began forming inside his mind.

Meanwhile the female had finished the call only a few seconds ago when she payed attention to his every moment. She saw how his eyes were tightly shut, as well as his furrowing eyebrows while he tightly clenched his fists.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home?"

The female's delicate and soft tone was able to bring him out of his trance. "Home?"

Home? Had she welcome him back into her life that she even addressed her house as his home?

She stood up going around her desk before leaning on it and continue observing him. "Why are you here?"

"I came to apply for a job."

The young CEO's eyebrow lifted after hearing his words. "What position?"

"I was hoping to have the one I had two years ago."

"That contract ended two months ago. You no longer have that position guaranteed."

"Then let's make another one."

The female only chuckled shaking her head at his foolish behavior.

"Why should I? You have no reason to stay here. In fact, why did you come here? Shouldn't you be in Korea?"

"I should be asking that question... Why aren't you in Korea?"

Before the female could utter a single argument back the male spoke out words which made her heart pound at the venom and hatred that came out with it.

"Or what? Were you afraid of me finding you and asking for an explanation? Of assuming responsibility for the things you did to me without my consent?"

His legs moved towards her as she slowly leaned backed while he towered over her small body, his eyes filled with anger.

"Well sorry to break it to you love, but your fears are all standing in front of you."

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