See you again

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Setting foot in the foreign city he felt out of place once more. He didn't even know the language nor how to speak it, he could barely recognize it as Y/n used to speak the language quite often. A large part of the Asian branch of the company was in China, the central being in Beijing, he guessed this was why she had moved here.

Looking at the signs he would have been lost of it wasn't for the small amounts of English he had read and learned back when he was in London.

Although hesitant, the young male approached an elderly men sitting on the bus stop, sitting beside him.

" Do you know English?"

The elderly male shook his head having no knowledge of the foreign language. Jungkook realized he should have approached a younger person as the older generation seemed to be more traditional and kept their culture.

As he was about to stand up he saw a female running towards his direction before sitting beside the elderly male. The pair, which seemed to be father and daughter, talked before the female averted her attention to him.

"What do you need?"

The male grew surprised at how fluent she was at the foreign language however he didn't have time for the emotion as he was here for only one reason.

"Where is the central building of Kwon Corporations?"

"I am actually going there. It's my first day on the job today and it happens to be in one of their offices. I could give you a ride if you want?"

Although not really wanting to interact with the female he had no other choice but to take the offer to get to the location, so reluctantly he nodded his head.

"Let's go."


The male stood in front of the giant building looking up at it before spotting the top office.

Now that he was in the same place as her and a few minutes from meeting the woman he's been waiting to see for the last few years he didn't know what to do. What do say. But no matter what he was going to see her.

"Where are you going?"

"Top office."

Glancing at the female he saw her mouth wide open with her eyes widened.

"I-in the-ere?"

"Is there a problem if I go there?"

The female gulped averting his gaze.

"No one is ever allowed in there. No one has stepped foot in that section of the office. The owner never allows anyone to see her. Back in Korea a lot of her employees knew her however in this office she is a lot more reserved. I doubt they'll let you in."

Jungkook only smirked ignoring her words entering the building.

As he entered the elevator he pressed the top floor immediately a pin pad showing up. If this was anyone else, they would be breaking their head trying to figure out the pin, however he knew the numbers. She had told him her favorite numbers and after two years he still remembered. Still treasuring them, the numbers becoming his own.

Placing the pin, the pad turned green before disappearing, beginning to close the doors. Before the door could close a hand intervened a familiar female entering the cubicle.

"I w-want to c-come with."

The female clutches on to him once the elevator stopped. While the doors where opening, the male quickly pushed her away uncomfortable with her touch.

As he looked ahead a female silhouette sat in the chair located behind the desk, typing in the computer, the sound of the elevator catching her attention.

Seeing the two figures she grew irritated. However the male had caught her attention. He was back. He found her when he wasn't supposed to.

"What are y'all doing here? This area is strictly off limits to any employee."

The female beside Jungkook replied with a high pitched voice, irritating both the other people who were present.

"He wanted to come look for you."

Only glancing at Jungkook, Y/N focused her gaze on the female which appeared to have a name tag.

Kim Soora.

"Then why are you here?"

Lost for words she looked around helplessly trying to find an excuse as to why she was here. To be honest she wanted to see the office no one was ever allowed into. She wanted to have the glory after she would tell everybody what it looked like and how their boss was like.

" Let me guess you want the fame. You want to have the privilege of being able to say you have seen me and been to my office?"


"You're fired."



"But it's m-my first day"

"Was. Now leave."

Before she could say anything further, a group of body guards came and dragged her out of the building gaining stares from multiple employees.

Throughout all of this the male simply stared at her and as they were both left alone and awkward atmosphere had filled the air.

"You haven't changed at all."

Her personality hadn't but he couldn't say the same for her looks. He never thought it was possible for her to become more gorgeous but somehow she did it. Her porcelain skin still remained, looking ethereal . Her gray eyes were hard to look away from, her eyelashes framing them. Although he couldn't help but feel guilty, he still stared at her body. How her dress perfectly fit her curves. She was still a temptation. One which he stupidly fell for once more.

The female simply ignored his remark and continued to work, acting as if he was never present.

"Why did you do it?"

Once again the female said nothing. They both understood what he had asked. They both knew very well what he was asking, but she was not going to say a single word. What happened two years ago, should never be spoken about.

As he grew tired of her silence, the male approached her grabbing her shoulders, before pressing his lips against hers.

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