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She could only stare at him as he was asleep peacefully with his arms tightly wrapped around her and head laying against her chest, as they both laid in bed.

The night had been emotionally painful for both of them, but all of that was over. No matter what negative thoughts and emotions would flood her mind, she would let none of that affect him. Not again.

Gently, she began caressing his hair as the moonlight shined on him. She could feel him snuggling closer to her as he enjoyed the calm feeling of her fingers brushing against his brown locks.

He began to gently stir as she placed small kisses on his face, his lips forming a small smile as his eyes fluttered open.

His doe starry eyes looking up at her made her heart flutter every single time, however today it had a stronger effect on her as he laid beside her in her room cuddling up against her.

"Did you sleep well love?"

His heart fluttered hearing the name exiting her lips, as his grew shy, nodding at her. The female gave him a smile in return as her hand motions continued against his hair.

Love. A word addressing him as a way to show he was hers and she was his. A word he loved.

Reaching up he pressed his lips against hers, kissing her softly while smiling to himself. He was finally where he belonged. He was finally beside her.

After a few moments he parted away content with the feeling of having her affection.

"Go back to sleep, you must still be tired from tonight. I'll wake you up when it's morning. Willingly he placed his head back in her chest as he knew she would finally be there when he woke up.




"Come on love, wake up. It's noon already"

Sitting up he saw Y/N looking at him with a small smile on her lips at his sleepy form.

"Go shower while I'll make us something to eat."

Nearing her he placed a small peck on her lips, already addicted to the feeling. Smiling softly they made eye contact staring lovingly at one another. "Can't you join me?"

Chuckling at his cute pout she only shook her head. "No love I already showered last night, you go ahead." The response only made him pout further, as he wanted her to join him. "Go on love, I'll wait downstairs for you." With a final peck she exited the room making her way downstairs ready to start the day, leaving the male sulking.



None of this could be happening right now...

This was all a hallucination.

A nightmare she needed to wake up from.

Jaehyun was by her side pacing around her living room making several phone calls to the police. The living room was all crowded while the female simply sat in the couch her head between  her hands as she simply stared down.

How stupid was she? How ignorant did she have to be to leave him by himself especially when her family was also in Beijing.

The older male had finished the phone calls making his way to the female's side rubbing her back as comfort. He knew she wasn't crying however he also knew how much of a storm was going on inside her. Although she made herself seem numb, he knew way better than that. He grew up with her. He was with her when they told her, her parents died and she began crying when it had only been the two of them. He was beside her in her parent's funeral when not a single tear was shown, instead having a cold face masking all her emotions. He knew everything about her and could read her like a book, he was her cousin after all.

"Y/N it's not your fault okay? All of this happened because of their twisted minds. None of this is your fault." The mentioned female only sighed, before looking up making eye contact with her older cousin.

"How long am I supposed to keep telling myself that? I have heard those words at my parent's funeral and nineteen years later I still hear them. Just how long am I supposed to use that excuse?"

Jaehyun couldn't say anything. It must have been tough hearing those words all of your life. Tragedy after tragedy those words had always been repeated almost like a cheap excuse. But no matter how cheap it was, it was the truth. It had never been her fault. It was always those twisted people.


Hours had passed and there had been no improvement whatsoever. The police could still not find any evidence on her aunt and uncle although the crime scene still remained untouched in her house. She could see the blood splatters still on the ground providing evidence that indeed something did happen in her household.

The broken windows and multiple broken decorations and furniture lying around the building left a sight which could only make someone start thinking of the worst possible scenarios happening to the person they had come to most treasure.

Her aunts words had come true much quicker than she had believed. It was only yesterday when she saw her. That woman quickly took advantage of her moment of weakness and used it as a chance to drag her once more and send her into an emotional hole which she felt she could no longer get out of.

But no matter how hard it would be, she needed to continue. No matter how much she wished she would just give up, she couldn't. For her parents and for him.

Going to her bedroom, she stopped upon entering noticing how something seemed off. It was as if someone had been here. She could make out the familiar scent.

Quickly the young female turned on the lights before noticing an unfamiliar doll sitting on her bed.

She noticed the red hair which stood out upon its natural appearance before grabbing it and slamming it to the ground. Whatever type of gift it was she wanted nothing to do with it, especially knowing from who it came from.

Glaring once more at the item she noticed how a piece of paper had fallen out. Picking it up she knew it was a trap. A trap she was willing to fall into in order to keep what she loved safe.

'Come save him little girl. You know exactly where.'

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