Chapter 3

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"Eva, what's wrong? You're being really quiet." Jackson says once we'd left the estate agents.
"I had a bad dream last night." I say as Jackson nods, "It was about the drive to London. I can't say what actually happened but, I think it was something bad. It felt so real. I was setting up the satnav and you shouted my name before everything went black. I don't know what happened." I explain as Jackson sighs.
"Eva, nothing bad is gonna happen. I can promise you that. We will get to our new house safe and sound and then you will become the best doctor in the UK alongside myself." Jackson says as I smile and glance at him.
"You know I'm aiming to be a midwife. Not a doctor." I say as Jackson chuckles.
"I know but, you gotta start somewhere." He says as I smile, "You'll be the best midwife out there. That's a fact." He says as I smile and carry on driving towards the A1.

Jackson plugs in his phone and starts to sing along to the playlist that he had made before he woke me up. Right now, everything looks a bit like deja vu. A red car passes us. The same red car that I saw in my dream. 

I roll my eyes and shake my head at the thought. Jackson is right. Nothing is gonna happen to us and a lot of people would have that car. A lot of people would have that car in red. It's not the only red one out there.

I carry on down the A1 towards London and notice that Jackson had fallen asleep, meaning I could turn the music down. I didn't want to risk waking him up with his own music and I was starting to get a migraine. I should've worn my glasses but, no. Me being me, I packed them with my bedroom stuff and put them in the moving van yesterday.

Soon, I come into the outskirts of London. Knowing that I had no clue where to go, I switched on the satnav and waited for it to boot up. Once I'd heard the sound, meaning it was ready, I started to type in the address. Considering I had to keep and eye on the road as well, it was kinda hard.

"Evadine!" Was all I heard before everything went black.

Jackson's Pov.

I woke up to see that I was upside down in Eva's car and Eva was unconscious.

"Hey. Can you tell me your name?" I hear a guy as I slowly and painfully turn my neck to see a guy trying to undo my seatbelt.
"Jackson." I say as the guy manages to get my seatbelt off and helps me out of the car, "Wait. Eva. My friend. Tell me she's okay." I say as the guy goes to Eva's side and pulls her out of the car.

Before I know it, I hear sirens and the guy that helped us out was giving Eva CPR.

"Okay, she's breathing but, still unconscious." He says as I go up to him.
"C-Can I know your name? I want to  know who I'm thanking for saving her." I say as the guys smiles.
"Uh... Yeah. My names Nathan. I was in the other car." He says as I nod and the paramedics rush to Eva.

They put her in one of the ambulances before the other ambulance check Nathan and I over.

"Okay, Jackson. You're good to go. All you've done is hit your head pretty hard and have a mild concussion but, you should be fine and Nathan, You've got a few minor scrapes but, nothing too serious to worry about." The paramedic says as I turn to her.
"Can you take me to the hospital? Please? I need to see Evadine." I say as the paramedic nods.
"Me too." Nathan says as I smile at him and we climb into the ambulance, "Hey. Don't worry. Your friend? She's gonna be fine." Nathan reassures me as I nod and breathe out a large breath.

I hope she's okay.


Short and serious but, let's all welcome Nathan to the book.

Enjoy juicers!

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Cee x

Denial - A Nathan Sykes Fanfiction - AU - COMPLETED {IN EDITING}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora