Chapter 11

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Nathan and I admitted that we liked eachother last night and we kissed. I don't regret a thing but, that's all that happened. I don't think we're together either because all we did was kiss and admit that we liked eachother.

"Morning, Eva." I hear Nathan say as he walks into the living room.
"Morning." I reply as Nathan sits on the sofa next to me.

My chair was in front of me and I had put myself on the sofa because it was comfier than my chair.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask Nathan as he shrugs.
"Should we book you into physio?" Nathan says as I shake my head.
"I'll just have to accept the fact that I'll never walk again, won't I?" I ask as Nathan sighs.
"Eva, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." Nathan says as I shake my head.
"I was the one not watching the road, Nathan. You did nothing wrong. You can't blame yourself." I say, "Look at me, Nathan. You did nothing wrong, okay? I'm still alive." I say as he smiles.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry." He says as I smile and hug him.

Nathan hugs me back before we start to watch TV again. I let my thoughts drift off to Jackson. I hope him and Ethan are good. I then start to think about physio. It won't help me because I know that I won't be able to walk again.

"Eva..." I hear Nathan trail off as I look at him, "I've been thinking about last night." Nathan says as I nod.
"Yeah?" I ask as he turns to me.
"I do like you but, it's too early since Paige and I broke up. I don't want to hurt your feelings but nothing more can come of this right now." He says as I feel my heart sink to the floor but, why?

So that was nothing special? He basically took my first kiss.

I just nod and go on my phone, looking through my Facebook and stuff. I sigh before switching it off and moving myself into a more comfortable position.

Nathan notices and places my legs on top of his lap, helping me lay down slightly.

I just close my eyes and drift off to sleep, thinking about what could happen in the future.


"Mommy, mommy look! A butterfly!" My daughter yells as I laugh and smile.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I smile while hugging her as she nods.
"Yep!" She exclaims as I feel someone tug on my arm.
"Mommy, I want to play on the swings." I hear my son say as I take him and his younger sister into the park.

I let my son play on the swings while my daughter played in the sandbox.

"How are they?" I hear a guy's voice as I look up and see Nathan stood there smiling at me.
"They're great." I say as Nathan sits beside me, putting an arm round my shoulders.
"Good. I love you, Evadine." Nathan says as I smile and look at my hand to see an engagement ring and a wedding ring.
"I love you too, Nathan."


I wake up to see Nathan asleep and me still laid on him. What the hell was that dream about? Why the hell did I have that dream?

Soon enough, Nathan wakes up and smiles at me slightly.

"Hey." He says as I smile.
"Hey." I reply as he removes my legs from his lap and stands up before stretching, "Did you sleep well?" Nathan asks as I shrug.
"I guess so..." I trail off as Nathan kneels in front of me.
"Eva, what's wrong?" He asks as I shrug.
"Nothing... I'm fine." I say, looking away from him.
"Are you mad at me? Is it because of what I said earlier about us?" Nathan asks, taking my hands in his and holding them tightly.
"I said I'm fine, Nathan. Just drop it." I say, still not looking at him as he releases my hands and stands up.
"Fine." Nathan walks out of the living room before I hear the front door shut.

As soon as I hear the door slam, I breakdown in tears. What the hell is wrong with me?

Am I in love with Nathan?

Denial - A Nathan Sykes Fanfiction - AU - COMPLETED {IN EDITING}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora