Chapter 22

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Once Nathan got home, he gave me quick kiss on the forehead before walking into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. I carried on watching Friends until Nathan walked out he room.

I paused the show before turning to him as he sat there in silence. He looked miserable.

"Nath? What's the matter?" I ask as he looks at me and smiles slightly.
"I just got a lot on my mind, love. Don't worry about it, okay?" He says placing his hand on my head and rubbing my hair softly.
"Can I come up and cuddle you?" I ask as he smiles and nods.

He places his tea down before picking me up. He sits down and puts his legs up on the sofa before sitting me on his legs, letting me lay my head on his chest as he holds me close.

I close my eyes and just listen to the steady drum of Nathan's heart in his chest. I breathed in his scent as we both laid there. Silent and still. Embracing each other's company.

I smiled a little and snuggled into Nathan's chest as his arms wrapped around me tighter.

"When I'm with you, time just stops and everything is okay once again. Like nothing could ever go wrong." I hear Nathan say as I look up at him.
"Really?" I ask smiling as he nods.
"Of course, Eva. I love you and nothing is ever gonna change that. Right now, cuddling with you is making all my worries go away." Nathan replies as I lean up and kiss his lips softly.
"I love you too, Nathan." I say as he takes my hand and entwines our fingers together.

I hold his hand tightly while cuddling him. I never wanted to let go.


The next morning, I woke up on the sofa, still laid on top of Nathan as he sleeps peacefully. This bot meant the world to me and I never wanted anything more than what we had now.

I smile softly and look over to my chair. My smile fades as I sigh before laying my head on Nathan's chest again. I just want to be able to walk again and have a normal life. Start a normal family.

"Hey." I hear Nathan's voice as I look up and see him smiling down at me.
"Hey." I say as he pulls me to sit up with him.
"Are you okay?" He asks, concern filling his face as I smile and nod.
"Yeah." I reply as he lifts my head up to look at him.
"Eva, something's wrong." Nathan says as I shrug.
"I'm fine. I promise." I say as he sighs and nods.
"Okay." He says before leaning down and kissing me softly.

He sits us both up before going into the kitchen to make a cup of tea.

"Did you want one?" He asks before he walks into the kitchen as I shake my head.
"No thanks." I say as he sighs and carries on into the kitchen.

I switch on the TV and flick to a random channel with some sort of show on it before going on my phone.

"Eva?" I hear Nathan ask as he walks back into the room.

I look up at him as he sits down and places his tea on the table.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're acting weird with me this morning?" Nathan asks as I nod.
"I'm fine, Nathan." I say as he sighs, "And stop sighing. It's getting in my nerves." I add on.
"And you don't think you're getting on my nerves? I know something is wrong, Evadine! You're never this moody!" Nathan exclaims as I lick my phone and look at him.
"Maybe I'm this moody because I spend half of my life stuck in a ducking wheelchair!" I exclaim back, "Don't start, Nathan! I can't be arsed to deal with your shit this morning!" I exclaim as he looks at me hurt.
"Oh, sorry for being concerned about my girlfriend! Sorry for loving you so much that it kills me when I see that you're upset!" He exclaims.
"Well I'm sorry that I can't walk!" I exclaim as Nathan picks up his tea.
"Well, excuse me for caring." He whispers before leaving the room.
"Nath..." I trail off as he turns to me.
"Leave me alone, Eva." He says before walking upstairs and slamming the door, knowing full well that I can't chase him up there.

I sigh and look down at my hands. I let the tears fall from my eyes before burying my face in my hands. This was our first fight and I hated it.

I start to sob into my hands before feeling someone scoop me up and sit me in their knee, cuddling me and kissing my head.

"I'm sorry." I hear Nathan whisper as I bury my face into his chest and wrap my arms round his neck.
"I'm sorry too." I mumble into his chest and strokes his fingers through my hair and kisses the top of my head again.
"I don't wanna fight with you, Eva. I love you so much." Nathan says as I hold him together.
"I don't wanna fight with you either, Nathan. You mean the world to me. I love you so much it hurts." I say as Nathan lifts my face up and presses his lips against mine.

I kiss him back as he deepens the kiss and lays me down.

"Shall we take this to the bedroom?" Nathan asks as I smile and nod, letting him carry me into the bedroom and shutting the door behind us...

Denial - A Nathan Sykes Fanfiction - AU - COMPLETED {IN EDITING}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz