The Awakening

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He woke up. He stood up and noticed that it was dark. He then knew it was night. He saw the moon shining brightly above him. "Who am I?" He asked himself. The moon told him 'Your name is Jack frost, child,' that was all the moon told him.

Jack Frost then noticed that he have came out from a frozen pond. The strange thing was, he did not feel cold. He stood up and walked around.

He looked to see that he was holding a hooked stick. It was his staff. He touched the trees and what seemed like fern pattern frost appeared. He then knew he had the ability to make snow, ice and all things that are related to Winter.

He walked into a nearby village. Many people are walking around. "Hello there, may I ask what it this-" Jack managed to say before the girl he was trying to talk to walked through him. The feeling of somebody walking through him was horrible. He felt loneliness spread all over him. No one could see him. It was like he was invisible.

Jack walked back to the pond and sat under a snow coated tree. He sighed. He felt really sad. The wind ruffled his hair trying to cheer him up. Strangely, Jack could talk to the wind. He could hear the wind.

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