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After moments of adding all the scores together, Mother Nature called them all back. "I have the results. The fourth place goes to..... Rebecca!!! You got fourth because what you did wasn't a piece of art. But good job!!" Mother Nature said.

Rebecca nodded. "The third place goes to....... Vanessa!! What you did was great, but not as interesting. Keep up the good work!!" Mother Nature exclaimed. "Yes, mother," Vanessa said.

"The second place goes to....... Robert!! You work was remarkable but not much," Mother Nature exclaimed. "I will try my best to improve it," Robert said. "The first place goes to... Jack!!" Mother Nature exclaimed.

"Me? Why me? Mine isn't that great," Jack asked. "No. It was excellent. The sculpture was fantastic and look at it!!" Mother Nature pointed to the ice sculpture. "It is very fine and clear as if they are made out of crystals!!" Mother Nature exclaimed.

"Thank you," Jack said. "Okay, time to clean up!!" Mother Nature said. "Let us help you," Vanessa offered. "Thanks but... No thanks. I shouldn't let you guys clean after me," Jack said and used his staff to poke the ice sculpture.

Almost immediately, it turned into water and disappeared. "Hey look!! It is time for training!" Robert exclaimed looking at the clock. "Training?" Jack asked in a surprised tone. "Yup!! We train to defend ourselves and to bring the season faster," Vanessa explained.

"Come on. Let us take him there!!" Vanessa exclaimed as he grabbed Jack's hand and pulled him to the training room with the others dragging behind them. The sudden contact made Jack shocked.

They reached the door of the training room and waited for the others to come. They needed to combine their power to open the door. Unless Mother Nature opens it. The others then came and they opened the door.

Vanessa notices Jack blushing furiously. "Are you okay? You look... Blue," Vanessa said causing everyone to turn to them. "Your hand," Jack said turning even more blue. Vanessa blushed and let go of Jack's hand immediately.

"Sorry," Vanessa whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. "Alright we shall begin training now," Mother Nature said. "What sort of training do you guys do?" Jack asked looking at the room.

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