Mother Nature

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Jack was just walking around. Suddenly, a spark of light appeared before him. "It is time to take you home, son!" A voice said and a lady appeared. She had brown wavy hair, rosy red lips, green leaf-shaped earrings. She wore a icy blue headband over her head and a green dress. She had orange a d yellow blue high heals on as well.

"Son? Who are you? Why do you call me son? I-I don't remember having any mothers!!" Jack said picking up his staff. He moved back slowly. "My name is Mother Nature. I am the 'mother' of all the season spirits. Which includes you. All the season spirits are my 'children'" Mother Nature explained.

The wind told Jack that it is okay. The wind knew Mother Nature. The wind began to ruffle Jack's hair again. "For the first time, I have seen the wind so friendly with someone!!" Mother Nature said.

"Tell me, what is your name?" Mother Nature asked. "I am Jack Frost," Jack said nervously. "Come, let us take you home to where your 'brother' and 'sisters' are," Mother Nature said holding out a hand. "Jack took it nervously and was pulled to a sleigh.

The sleigh was decorated with four colors brown, pink, blue and yellow. They had a bumpy ride. After a long 5 hours, they arrived at 'home'. To Jack's surprise, it was snowing. Only that part of the spirit realm is effected by the seasons since the season spirits live in that wide and big area.

"Come, follow me," Mother Nature said pulling Jack with her. They entered the mansion. Inside the mansion there was a huge living room with a plasma screen TV and fluffy sofas. There were five sofas. One which is pink, the other brownish-orange, another yellow, one blue and last with all the colors of the other sofas.

There is a stair that leads upstairs beside the TV. The place was covered in bright yellow and white. Christmas is coming so they had put up a Christmas tree decorated with many ornaments and lights. With a golden star on the top of it.

There was a bright corridor seen with many doors. "I forgot that the others have gone out!!" Mother Nature exclaimed. "Who are they?" Jack asked in a small voice. "They are Vanessa, the spirit of Spring, Rebecca, the spirit of Autumn and lastly Robert, the spirit of Summer," Mother Nature said.

"Well, why not I take you to a tour around the mansion?" Mother Nature asked. "Okay!!" Jack exclaimed happily. "Let's take you to the art room first," Mother Nature said leading Jack to a door and opening it.

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