What To Do Now?

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Vanessa used her vines and carried the two unconscious boys. "Let's put Jack into his room first!! I wanna see how it looks like!" Rebecca squealed in excitement.

"He said that he painted it," Vanessa said. Mother Nature opened the door to Jack's room and their jaws hit the ground. It was magnificent! There were snowy mountains with beautiful frost covered pine trees at the side. The ground looks like it snow. In fact, there is ice everywhere.

"Wow..... His art skills are so much better than mine...." Rebecca said gazing around the room. "Yeah! It is very unique....." Vanessa said and placed her gaze on the unconscious Jack. Even though it was literrally snowing in the room, they were to busy admiring Jack's art work to be cold. Vanessa made her vines put him on his bed and they all left him to rest.

"Next, is Roberts room," Mother Nature said and opened the door to Robert's room which was down the corridor. They could feel the heat once Mother Nature pushed the door opened.

The walls of the room were painted with the pictures of the sunset. The floor was painted with orange-golden sand sparkling in the sunlight of the sunset. They weren't really shocked at Robert's room because they have been in there before. They put Robert on his bed and left.

"Well..... What do you think we should do until the two of them wakes up?" Rebecca asked tilting her head slightly to her right. "It is only the two of us now," Vanessa said turning the wilted flower into a beautiful rose which was planted into a bonsai pot.

"Why don't we play something?" Rebecca asked. Mother Nature glanced at the clock which is hanging on the wall. "I need to go make lunch," Mother Nature said and disappeared down the hallways. It was obvious she was going to the kitchen.

Rebecca looked outside thought the window and noticed that there is a blizzard outside. "There is a blizzard outside so we can't go out," Rebecca said. "Why don't we set up some pranks!!" Vanessa cried and whispered the plan into Rebecca's ear.

They then gather the items they need and started setting up the pranks. "This is going to be fun!!" Vanessa cried as a sly smirk appeared on her rosy lips.

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