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The room was big, spacious and empty. Only a podium with all sorts of buttons stood in the sides of the room. "You will see what kind of training we do soon. Robert, you are first. Training to be able to stand the cool a little," Mother Nature said walking towards the podium as Robert stood into the middle of the room.

"As a Summer spirit, you cannot fully conquer the cold. But, you can train to be able to stand it until a certain limit," Mother Nature explained. Jack caught what she always talking about easily. The temperature started to become cool after Mother Nature pushed a button.

Robert closed his eyes and tried to focus. He could feel the cold slowly getting to him. Soon, he felt the cold numb his body. His teeth gritted as he clenched his fists trying his best to withstand the cold.

After a while longer, he couldn't take is anymore. "I can't go on anymore! The cold is freezing my brain!!" Robert said. Mother Nature then let the temperature rise and Robert's training is done for now.

"Good. You beat the record. That means you have improved. Good job and keep it up," Mother Nature said as Robert walked to the sides with the rest of the season spirits.

"Next will be Vanessa. Revive all the dead trees," Mother Nature instructed and pushed another button. Dead trees began to rise all over. Vanessa took a deep breath and began to revive all the dead trees.

Vanessa's speed was incredible. Soon, all the dead trees were revived. "Vanessa, you are slower that your last record. I would like you to work on it," Mother Nature said as Vanessa nodded.

'If that was slower than the last record, the last record must have been way faster!!' Jack thought. He felt really impressed by Vanessa's speed. "Okay. Next will be Rebecca. Turn all the leaves brown only," Mother Nature ordered.

Within seconds, the job was done. "Very good. You also beat your last record," Mother Nature said looking at the table chart. "Jack, I think I should start with the basics. Freeze the whole room," Mother Nature said.

"Wait, isn't that the hardest?" Robert asked. "To burn, yes. It is one of the hardest for Summer. But it is the easiest in Winter. Winter can be very powerful. But so can all the other seasons," Mother Nature said.

Jack stood nervously. He took a deep breath thrusted his staff on the floor hard. A "thud" was heard following by the should of the room getting frozen.

In a blink of an eye, the whole room was frozen. "Whoah..." All the spirits stood there with their jaws hitting the ground. "Very good! It was your first try too!! 2 seconds," Mother Nature said delighted with the results.

"Robert, it is your turn again. Dodge all the snowballs," Mother Nature instructed and pressed a button. Robert stood in the middle of the room. Snowballs began to shoot out.

Robert managed to dodge a total of 52 snowballs before being hit by one. It did sting for Robert. "Robert, you dodged more snowballs last time. Please work on it," Mother Nature said as Robert nodded in agreement.

"Okay. Vanessa, you are next. Control your plants to hold against the force," Mother Nature said and pushed another button. The ceiling opened up and revealed a piece of metal block.

The block pushed down as Vanessa pushed up the block with her plants. Beads of sweat ran down the side of her face as she held the block up by controlling her plants.

Soon, her strength was drained and the block dropped down. The block stopped just as it was about to crush Vanessa's plants. "Very good. You improved by 5 minutes," Mother Nature said with a grin.

Vanessa smiled a tired smile. "Rebecca, make all the leaves disappear from this tree," Mother Nature said as she made a tree. All the leaves were already brown though. Rebecca quickly use her powers to make all the leaves disappear from the tree.

"Good. You have improved," Mother Nature said. "Jack, you are next. Create a snowstorm inside each boxes and make it so strong that it breaks," Mother Nature said and pressed a button. Five boxes came out of the ground.

"Mother, isn't that the hardest?" Vanessa asked. "Hard in Spring but easy in Winter," Mother Nature said as Jack walked in front of the boxes. He gripped on his staff and took a deep breath.

Jack focused and when he was ready, snowstorms began inside the boxes. A few more seconds later, the boxes broke. Just as the box broke, Mother Nature stopped the time. The snowstorm began to break out in the room.

The temperature dropped and the storm was raging inside of the room. "J-J-Jack!! I-I-I-It is a-a-a-a lit-t-t-tle c-c-c-cold i-in here," Robert exclaimed shivering and covering his eyes.

"I am.. trying to control it," Jack said using his power to calm the storm. Soon, the storm calmed down. Everyone except Jack stopped covering their eyes while Jack panted hardly.

"It's easy..... to start snowstorms .... And stop one... but... Hard to stop five.... at once. Sorry..." Jack said panting. "Jack, that was very good. Stopping five snowstorms at once is one of the hard ones and you did it in a matter of 10 seconds. As for breaking the boxes, 1 second," Mother Nature said with a smile.

The other season spirits looked at Jack with eyes filled with awe and admire. Jack smiled nervously because of all the attention given to him. "Okay. I think we are done until later," Mother Nature said and stepped off the podium.

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