Trespasser? Or Not!: Meeting The Spirit of Spring, Summer and Autumn

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Jack finished painting the walls and ceilings of the room. Now, he is satisfied. The room looked too plain before. Now it looks much better. Jack decided to put the paintbrush and paint back not the art room.

Jack is walking into the art room. He didn't bring his staff along to avoid getting it dirty. Jack entered the art room and put the art utensils. Just as he put down the paint and paintbrush, vines came up and grabbed Jack by his hands and feet.

A girl with long, wavy, honeysuckle pink hair which was untied and with a cute red ribbon jumped in from the window. She had pink orbs too. She was wearing a cute pink fluffy dress. She wore red sparkling shoes. She was a little shocked to find a cute looking boy inside. Eh? C-Cute? She wondered what she was thinking.

"Who are you? Why are you trespassing our property?!" The girl cried. "I was just-" Jack managed to say before she cut him of again. "Stealing!! I am going to tell my mother!!" The girl screamed again.

Robert and Mother Nature heard her and ran to the art room. They opened the door and find Jack being grabbed by the vines and the girl screaming at him. "Mother!! This boy is trespassing!! You told us that trespassers are to be punished!!" The girl screamed.

"Good heavens!! Calm down, Vanessa. Now let him go!!" Mother Nature said and Vanessa let Jack go. "Thanks," Jack said to Mother Nature. "I was just putting the art utensils back after painting my room and she just attacked me!!" Jack said.

"Your room?!" Vanessa and Robert exclaimed. Rebecca busted in the room. "I'm here!!" Rebecca exclaimed. "Er.... Who is that boy?" Rebecca asked pointing to Jack. "A trespasser who claims to live here," Vanessa said.

"Trespasser?!" Rebecca exclaimed shocked and used dead tree to hold him. "Another one," Jack muttered rolling his eyes. "Rebecca, put him down immediately!!" Mother Nature exclaimed and Rebecca put Jack down. "You are lucky I don't have my staff around," Jack muttered. "What was that?!" Vanessa asked. "Nothing," Jack said rolling his eyes.

"Everyone, this is Jack Frost. The spirit of Winter," Mother Nature finally said. "T-The spirit of Winter?!" both Vanessa and Rebecca exclaimed simultaneously. Mother Nature nodded.

"W-What a pleasure!! Sorry for what happened just now. I didn't know," Vanessa said feeling a pang of guilt hit her. "Me too," Rebecca said looking down in shame.

"Mother, is this what you have summoned us for?" Rebecca asked. She was the spirit of Autumn. She has red, short hair. She brown orbs. Her dress is flowing. "No. Robert spotted him, Pitch Black!!" Mother Nature exclaimed.

The Season SpiritsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora