The Advantages Of Winter Magic and What To Do

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Mother Nature was making fish and chips. She was happy to see the boys awake but very angry to see cuts all over them. "Who did this to you?!" Mother Nature asked in pure anger.

"Ask Vanessa, Rebecca and their pranks," Robert said. "They have never gotten this far with their pranks!!" Mother Nature said. Jack just kept quiet. Just then. The girls came in the kitchen.

Wrong timing. Mother Nature was extremely furious. "Vanessa, Rebecca, your pranks have gone too far! On the first day the new spirit arrives too!" Mother Nature exclaimed furious. "Please forgive us, mother!!" Vanessa exclaimed.

"Your punishment will be..." Mother Nature said and suddenly a bolt of lighting hit both Vanessa and Rebecca. Their body and clothes turned black as their hair stood on its ends.

"The girls, help the must tend to their wounds. I will be waiting for you guys down here," Mother Nature said. "Mother, I would prefer to do it myself," Jack said. "Me too," Robert said.

They then went upstairs to fix themselves up. After a while, they went down stairs again. Vanessa and Rebecca had took a bath changed into new clothing. Robert had plasters and bandages all over him. As for Jack, nothing much has changed.

"Jack! Your wounds are still open!" Mother Nature exclaimed. "I don't like things sticking onto me nor do I put anything on my wounds. I just let them heal by themselves," Jack said.

"Do they hurt?" Vanessa asked feeling guilty. "Don't worry. It doesn't hurt as bad as it looks. Besides, I could always put a layer of ice on my wounds to make it feel batter. I guess that's the advantages of Winter magic," Jack said holding up a peace sign.

After a while, they finished eating. Mother Nature stayed in the kitchen to clean the dishes. The four of them went out of the kitchen. "What do you guys want to do?" Robert asked.

They looked at Jack. "Don't look at me. I don't know what to do," Jack said twirling his staff around. "Hey, that's cool!" Robert exclaimed. "Erhmm...... Thanks?" Jack said. "I've got a great idea!" Vanessa exclaimed. "What is it?" Rebecca asked.

"Let's have a competition!" Vanessa exclaimed. "Okay. What are the rules and stuff?" Robert asked. Everyone had their attention on Vanessa.

"Okay. We have to use our powers to make anything you can see which is a work of an art or anything splendid. There will be no pairing up with each other. The judge shall be Mother Nature!!" Vanessa exclaimed. "Great idea!" Rebecca exclaimed.

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