Let The Competition Begin

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When Mother Nature was free, they went to ask her and she agreed. Mother Nature handed them a box containing four pieces of paper. It shall decide who will be first. It appeared that Vanessa was first, Rebecca was second, Robert was third and Jack was fourth.

"Let the competition begin!!" Mother Nature exclaimed and Vanessa started her act. She literally made an urban jungle around them. Then, flowers appeared and made itself into a giant pink lily. Everyone gave her a good round of applause. She bowed and the plants disappeared.

Mother Nature jotted down the marks for Vanessa as she was the judge of the competition. Next, Rebecca walked onto the stage. She conjured up leaves which were dyed in a rich orange, brown and red. It all flew down and suddenly trees rose from Tha ground and they looked like Autumn.

Everyone also gave her a good round of applause. She bowed and left the stage the stage then returned back to normal. Mother Nature wrote the marks down. Robert then went up the stage.

Robert conjured up some fire. The fire then turned into sparks of light. It was beautiful. It looked like as if they were in a dark forest and fireflies are flying out everywhere.

Robert bowed and the light disappeared. Everyone clapped their hands. Mother Nature also jotted down his marks. Then, Jack carefully made his way onto the stage as if there were traps under the stage floor.

Jack then thought for a moment and has an idea. He tapped the ground with his staff and then twirled it around in circles. A giant ice sculpture was made!! It looked as if the ice is made out of crystals.

Everyone gave him a big clap. Mother Nature jotted down the marks for Jack too. Jack left it there because he was the last one, so he does not need to clean it up. Yet. "I need to make a few calculations. Why don't you do your own things first?" Mother Nature said and they nodded and went out of the room.

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