Part five

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Brick's POV

I was all alone in Blossom's home since she needed to go do something and wouldn't tell me.

I was bored out of my mind since it's been a week and I've only been bugging Blossom.

She was cool very different then my encounters with Brent.

I noticed something on her counter while I was thinking of her.

A phone

It wasn't your new types of phone it was those old ones.

There was a letter by the phone.

'Hey there Brick I decided that it would be best to contact any family members you have to tell them you're okay. If you don't want to do that then ignore this letter and go home or stay her.

Sincerely, Blossom.'

I smiled at the mention of her name but it quickly faded.

'Why am I smiling.'

I took the phone and dialed a number.

"Hey Butch. This is Brick."

Authors POV blossom

Blossom walked into a limo seeing her friends inside.

"Hey girls." Blossom smirked as she took a drink from the counter.

"Hey Blossom." They Both said as they already had a drink in their hands.

"Why are we here?" Blossom asked right before a screen came down to show a face.

"I have something to do with this." A man with dark red brown hair and with glasses. He usually wear a lab coat but today was different.

"I brought you girls here for a special mission. It involves money." The man said.

"When does it never involve money Dexter?" Blossom asked as she took a another sip of her drink.

"We need you guys to steal a few things." He said as looked Blossom straight into the eyes. "We don't steal." Said Blossom

"I'm just the mayor's daughter" blossom simply said.

"And we're just her friends." Bubbles and Buttercup finished.

"Cut this shit! Your Hood!" Dexter yelled as he pointedly Blossom. "No I'm not. Hood is a trained thief and what am I, I'm the mayor's daughter." Blossom replied

"I want to get out." Blossom said as her expression never changed. "Me too." Buttercup added. "Me three," Bubbles nodded.

Dexter was pissed but let them go. "You will regret this."

"Another question is why would Hood steal for a rich guy like you." Blossom whispered and she shut the door and watched the limo drive off.

"That was close." Said Bubbled.

"Yep." Buttercup replied.

Blossom kept looking at the direction the limo left.

"Who's ready to steal." Blossom smiled as she turned to Bubbles and Buttercup who were smirking.

"he need to share anyway." Blossom shrugged as she walked off with Bubs and Buttercup following her.

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