Part thirteen

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Authors POV

The Jojo brothers were quite far from the mansion.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Butch asked nervously.

Brick looked at him and nodded. "I need to show Blossom that I'm mature to handle something like this."

Butch and Boomer looked at him like he was crazy. "Sure but not when your dead! They have the toughest security."

Brick ignored them and pulled Butch to get in position.

"Boomer your connected?" Brick asked on a mic that was on his neck.

"Yep got you loud and clear." Boomer said and you could tell he was smiling.

Brick and Butch ran to a dark part of the mansion.

"What's the plan?" Butch asked

"We get inside without getting caught. Then we go to where they hide the money. Like we planned on the blue print." Butch nodded

"Ready? Let's go!" Brick whispered once the coast was clear.

They started running hiding behind dark walls when someone were walking their way.

Brick mentioned Butch to try and distract some of the guards so he wouldn't be noticed.

Butch did just that without getting noticed.

Giving Brick enough time to get into the house.

Once Brick was in he had to give a distraction for Butch which he did successfully without getting noticed.

"Ready?" Brick asked as they were both at the room.

"Yeah..." Butch nodded and soon they opened the door for an loud noise to appear.

"Did you forget the CODE!!" Yells Brick as Butch nervously smiles.

Sure Brick would be mature but his brothers are not.

"BOOMER!" Brick yells but nothing is heard.

Brick rolled his eyes and soon guards appeared. "Well... looks like somebody tried to steal..." Dexter came in with a smirk

They both gulped but soon a blast was heard.

They all turned around to see smoke from the explosion. Some guards fell to the ground with arrows at their chests.

"Hood..." Brick mumbled as Buttercup grabbed the men's hand and ran out.

Blossom was left to get the guards.

"Stay here." Buttercup said with her face hidden and ran back.

"No." Brick said as he ran behind her having Butch following.

"NO! We are not leaving!" Brick yelled as he started punching some of the guards

"YES YOU ARE!" Blossom yelled as she shot a-few guys.

Brick heard that voice before but knew better then to say it out loud so he shut himself up.

Blossom growled as she saw Dexter but knew there are going to be police men soon.

She pulled on her bow getting ready to shoot.

But ignored it as she heard sirens

"Let's go!" She yelled at Buttercup as they both ran with the men behind them.

As they ran Brick thought it was a good enough time to talk.

"Blossom?" He asked having her look at him and pull down the bandana showing her true face.

"Let's go." She demanded as they kept running.

"What about Boomer?" Butch asked. "Don't worry we already have him." Buttercup responded

"Like I said keep running!"

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