Part seventeen

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Authors POV
•flashback 8 years earlier•

"BRENT!" A 15 year old Blossom yelled at her twin brother.

Brent laughed as he had a bow that Blossom called lucky. She needed it since she had a soccer game today.

"MOM!" Blossom yelled as their mom they came in.

"What?!" She laughed as she saw her two children fight.

Blossom ran up to her and pointed at Brent. "He has my bow!" She said not caring if she sounded like a 5 year old.

Her mother laughed as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Brent." She said giving a stern face having Brent rolling his eyes

He walked slowly but he gave Blossom her bow back but not before he stuck out his tongue.

She did the same as their mother laughed.

"You two are crazy together." She laughed as she hugged them both.

"Hurry up and get ready we're about to leave." She said having Blossom nod and running back inside the house.

Brent then looked at him mom and smiled before he took out his phone.

She sighed as his attention went back to his phone and never on reality. "Brent! What did I saw about the phone?!"

He looked at her and then put it back in his pocket and ran off right when his father came through the door.

"Hey?!" His father said as Brent ran past him to his room.

"What am I going to do with them?" She asked as she walked over to her loving husband.

"I don't know?" He asked as he kissed his wife.

She smiled through the kiss but got a ring from her phone.

Her smile went away as she read the text.

"What?" He asked concerned.

She smiled and shook her head. "Nothing."

They then walked back into the house to see Blossom in her soccer gear and by the door.

Brent room walked behind her and was texting on his phone.

"Let's go!" Their dad said as he walked to the door that Blossom opened to get into the car.

10 minutes have passed and they were finally in the field that Blossom was playing at

She soon got out of the car and waved goodbye then ran off to her teammates.

The rest of the family went to find a place to sit.

When they found a perfect place to sit Their mother soon got another text.

She looked at her phone and looked around as she was looking for something.

Brent not paying attention unlike his father who was.

"Honey? what's wrong?" He asked again more concerned.

"Nothing?..." she said still looking around before she heard a whistle.

Her attention went to her daughters game.

She smiled as she saw Blossom on the field. She also took Brent's phone so he could pay attention to his sister.

Time passes and Blossom's team is winning so far and there is only 1 min left.

Blossom was running behind her teammate who had the ball

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