Chapter three

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3. *Alexas Pov*

I sat in Starbucks sipping over my hot chocolate, anxiously waiting

I saw luke walking towards me looking better then ever

I gave him a weak smile, everything I was about to tell him was going to crush him

"Hey Alexa" he smiled giving me a hug

"Hey luke" I smiled back standing up to return the hug

"Let me just go get something to drink do you want anything?" He asked

"Emh no thanks I have this" I smiled

He was being surprisingly nice, but then again we never really talk so I wouldn't know what he's actually like to talk to and be with

After a few minutes he came and sat down across from me

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" He asked

This was it, I couldn't back out now

"Well emh I wanted to tell you this face to face so emh here we go" I said shaking and choking on my own words

His facial expression changed abit when he heard how serious I was being

I took a deep breathe one last time and began

"When we hooked up 4 months ago I emh I don't know what happened but afterwards I started to feel ill and started to get morning sickness so I went and I got.. I got" I stopped and tears started to stream down my face

I was so scared and I felt if I told him this it would ruin his career

"Oh my god what's wrong is everything okay?" He asked very concerned and coming over and putting his arm around me

"I'm fine I'm just afraid to tell you because I don't want to ruin your whole career and whatever" I said wiping away my tears

"Tell me it's okay I want to know and whatever it is if I can help you with it I will" he smiled

I'd never seen this soft side to luke before but it made me like him even more than before

"Well I went and got a pregnancy test because I thought you know maybe I might be pregnant and when I took it, it was positive and you're the father" I said quietly before crying again

I looked up at luke and his face was pale and emotionless

He didn't say anything, he just stared ahead probably trying to digest all this information

"I'm sorry" I whispered

"Maybe I should go" I said getting up

"No no please sit down I want to talk to you a bit more" he said starting to regain colour in his face but still pale

I sat back down and looked at him as we both remained quiet for a minute or two

"But didn't we use" he said started

"Yeah we did" I said looking down

"Emh when.. When did you find out?" He managed to get out

"Just after we hooked up, the night of my 17th birthday party" I sighed

"Oh" he said

"How come you never told me sooner?" He asked calmly

I was surprised at how good he was taking all this but knew there had to be some catch somewhere

"I was afraid, you're the first person I've told I figured you had a right to know even if you want nothing to do with this baby" I said

"Are you kidding? I want to be there for this baby and you! No matter how hard it is I want to be there for the two of you" he smiled taking my hand

I smiled back looking down

"If you need anything at all even if it's during the night just call me okay? I'll be over to your house everyday to bring you to and from school and just to be there incase" he said

"You really don.." He stopped me mid-sentence

"I want to! Okay? I really want to be here for you and our child" he said placing his hand on my stomach gently

"Thank you" I said giving him a weak smile

"I can't believe we're having a baby.." He muttered but I heard

I don't know what it was but he made me feel special and I liked that

"Come on let me walk up home, unless you want to come back to mine?" He asked

"I think I should tell my parents about the baby" I said

"Okay I'll walk you back home then" he smiled slipping his hand into mine

Are hands were intertwined and I slightly smiled to myself

What did this make us? A couple or just two teenagers having a child together? I didn't want him to look at me differently only because I was having his child and I didn't want him to think that we had to be a couple because of this

I wanted him to like me for me not because I was carrying his baby

17 and pregnant with Luke Brooks babyWhere stories live. Discover now