Chapter thirty one

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*Lukes Pov*

*4 years later*

"Happy birthday to you!" we sang as kayla blew out her candles.

everyone cheered and clapped and the flash on cameras kept going off. Kayla had just turned four years old! Four years had gone by so fast, it felt like i was only holding her in my arms for the first time yesterday, the young seventeen boy who was petriffed but was too scared to admit it.

"can you believe it Luke?! look how far we've come! we're doing a job" alexa smiled esthetically engulfing me in a hug

"i know shes gotten so big, i cant believe its been four years" i said kinda in shock, i was 21 now and me and alexa had our own apartment. Alexa went to collage and got her degree in teaching while me and the other boys still continued doing what we were doing.

"daddy?" kayla asked

"yes sweetheart?" i replied picking her up into my arms

"can we go into the playroom and play in the house?" she asked innocently

"of course you can! ill open the door for you guys" i said putting her back down and opening the door letting kayla and her 5 friends from pre-school in

"im going to cut the cakes and bring it into them, can you help me?" alexa asked picking up some cakes and drinks

i quickly picked up the remaining plates and plastic cups and brought them into the playroom along with alexa

"im just leaving some cake and drinks here for you guys okay? just call me or luke if you want anything" alexa smiled before leaving

"im so proud of the two of you, you really should be proud of your selfs" my mum said

"Thanks Gina, couldn't of done it without your help" Alexa said giving my mum a hug

My mum smiled and we continued to talk for a while until beau jai James and Daniel came from the lounge

"We felt excluded so we wanted to join the conversation" jai laughed with his girlfriend, Alexa's best friend Zara

"Yeah so what are we talking about?" Beau asked his arm around Kate another one of Alexa's friends, they weren't together, yet

"How Kayla is already four! Can you believe it?!" Alexa said

"I know it's so unreal I remember driving you two to the hospital" beau laughed

"Luke looked like he was about to vomit everywhere" he laughed even harder

We all laughed Because it was actually true, I never felt so sick with nerves before. We continued to talk and laugh at the old times when parents started to arrive and then everyone left, all that was left was my mum because she was staying the night, beau and Kate, James, and jai, everyone else had left. We all sat in the lounge watching tv as Kayla lay on my lap as I stroked her blonde hair

"Daddy" she yawned

"Are you tired sweetie? Do you want to go to bed?" I asked her

She nodded and I carried her into bed, changing her into her princess pajamas and putting the duvet over her since it was cold out, July and August were always the coldest months of the winter in Australia, I don't know why we couldn't just have summer like everyone else

"Night princess I hope you had a good day" I said kissing her forehead

"Can you read me a story?" She asked

I smiled and went over picking up a book with a princess on the front, she loved princesses. As I finished she grabbed onto my hand

"Daddy?" She asked

"Yes Kayla?" I asked her smiling

"How much do you love mommy?" She asked

I laughed a little and turned to her "I love her with all my heart why do you ask?" I said

"I was just asking, she loves you very very much" she smiled

"Why has she said anything?" I asked confused as this all came from nowhere

"She always tells me bedtime stories about you and her, she said you were her Prince Charming, you saved her from the dragon" she said

I smiled and kissed her again

"Goodnight kayla" I said blowing her a kissing

She smiled and blew me another kiss. I closed the door quietly and stood there for a minute smiling before walking back into the lounge

"What took you so long?" Alexa laughed as I took a seat beside her putting my hand around her

"Oh nothing Kayla was just telling me a story" I smirked

Everyone in the room was talking so no one could hear our conversation

"What?" She asked confused

"Well first it started off with me reading her a story and then she asked how much I loved you and I said very very much, why was she asking and then she said because you love me very much and you always tell her bedtime stories about how I'm your Prince Charming and how I saved you from the dragon, is that true?" I asked

She blushed and put her head down and laughed

"Yes it's true" she laughed

"You're so cute" I laughed putting my hand under her chin kissing her

After a few hours everyone left and Alexa and my mum had gone to bed. I Quickly cleaned up and went down and knocked on my mums room

"Come in" she said

"Oh luke is everything alright?" She asked

"Yeah I just wanted to ask you something" I said whispering closing the door over quietly

"Sure sure, come and sit down is everything alright?" She asked concerned

"Yeah everything's fine I just, emh" I didn't know how to put it, i didn't even know if I should tell her right now

"Well you know me and Alexa are going to Paris for our anniversary, well I was thinking, now please don't scream mum" I stopped

"I was thinking that eh, well you know how she's never been to Disney and how she always wanted to and how much she loves it" I was cut off by my mum

"Oh luke cut to the point, you're killing me" she said

"Okay well I was thinking that in Paris Probably Disney that I was going to"

"No I am going to propose, what do you think?" I asked finally getting out what I've been thinking for the past 3 years

17 and pregnant with Luke Brooks babyWhere stories live. Discover now