Chapter ten

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*Lukes Pov*

I brought Alexa's boxes up to my room and placed them on the floor

I insisted I brought them up while Alexa sat and talked to my mum about what had happened

As I brought the last box up and placed it on the ground I sat on my bed and went onto twitter

All I could see was the drama about the picture beau had put up

I thought about it all day and thought about the best way I could tell all the fans

I finally came to the conclusion that a twitcam would be my best bet, it would be more personal if I actually talked to the fans about everything that was happening with Alexa by my side

I wanted to be 100% honest with them as I felt that's what they deserved, honesty

I couldn't keep something like this a secret forever and since today was Sunday and tomorrow was school at least everyone would know

After another while of looking through the trend I finally tweeted for the first time all day

@luke_brooks: hey guys twitcam in a half an hour! With just me

After tweeting I went down to my mum and Alexa who were talking about when the doctors appointment would be

"Have you been to a doctor yet?"

"Yeah but I just went for a scan by myself I have another appointment this week"

"Oh luke you're down" my mum said

"Yeah I'm having a twitcam in around 20 minutes and I'm going to tell the fans everything so Alexa can you do it with me?" I asked sitting down beside her

She looked at me a little worried but soon agreed

"Oh luke you can't go to school on Thursday" my mum said

"How come?" I asked not that I wanted to go to school but I was curious

"I have an appointment with the doctor for the baby so you're going to come with us" Alexa smiled

"Okay, so I get to see the baby?" I asked with excitement

"Yep" Alexa nodded

I quickly smiled and then remembered about the twitcam

They took forever to set up

"Oh the twitcam I need to go set it up are you coming?" I asked Alexa taking her hand

She quickly stood up and followed me upstairs to where I set up the twitcam

"So what are you going to say?" She asked nervously

I explained to her what I was going to say and that I was going to be 100% honest with them

She nodded and I started the twitcam

At first it was just me and Alexa sat at my desk spinning on my chair

"Hey guys it's me so I eh wanted to talk to you today about a few things" I stopped and looked at the tweets flying in and the views which were crawling to near 10,000

"So first off I wanted to say that I love all you guys and I hope you all stick by us and never leave because you all mean the world to me! What I'm about to te.." I stopped as I heard a thump and looked to the floor Alexa had fallen off the chair while spinning around and now was in stitches of laughter which caused me to laugh

I then realized I was on twitcam so I turned back to the camera

"Sorry guys this is Alexa who just fell off the chair" I laughed harder as Alexa walked over to me not able to breathe since she was laughing that much

After we both calmed down and stopped laughing Alexa finally introduced herself

"Hey guys I'm Alexa" she smiled and waved

A lot of tweets came in which were both negative and positive

"Who's that ugly girl beside luke?!"

"Get away from him!"

"Hey Alexa you're so pretty!"

"Aw she's so cute"

"So the first thing I have to tell you guys is that Alexa is my girlfriend and I don't want you to hate on her because, because" I stopped in my tracks how was I meant to tell them about the baby, they weren't taking this well and pregnancy thing was going to crush them

I looked at Alexa who gave me a sympathetic smiled and nudged me to go on

"Because she's having my child, she's pregnant" I said

I looked through all the tweets and stayed silent


"Luke tell me this is some sort of joke"

"No luke she can't be"

All the tweets kept flooding in and I still remained silent, I didn't know what to say to them the people who adored me and I adored them for getting me to where I am

"Guys I really hope you don't hate me. I just want to say that luke will still be the same, he will still continue making videos and will still be the luke you adored even before this all happened. I won't be appearing in any videos or nothing like that if you don't want to me because I completely understand how you're feeling, I only told luke a few days ago and everything has been turned around for me in my life so please don't hate luke he didn't keep this from you. Just so you all know it wasn't a planned pregnancy by any way shape or form it was an accident but I promise you all that I won't be appearing in anything you guys don't want me to" Alexa said

I looked at her and took her hand

"Thank you" I mouthed

"Guys I know this must be a huge shock for you all like it was for me and Alexa but please don't hate me I promise you I'll be the same luke and I won't change I still hope you continue to support us" I smiled weakly

I started to read through the newer tweets to see what was happening

"Alexa is so sweet! We want you to appear in videos and post pictures of your bump!"

"Im shocked and upset but I'll never leave you guys"

"You've ruined everything Alexa!"

"Pregnant at 17? I think I know what kind of person you are"

"Please stop hating on Alexa she's done nothing wrong! I love her so so much and seeing all this hate upsets me" I stopped and thought about what I'd just said

I just said infront of all my fans that I loved Alexa

Alexa turned to me and smiled

"I love you so much more" she whispered

I squeezed her hand tighter and then said goodbye to all the fans

I closed the computer and turned to Alexa

"that was really cute what you did" she smiled

"It's true, I do love you"

"I love you too" she smiled

I leaned in and kissed her knowing I'd never love anyone as much as I loved her

17 and pregnant with Luke Brooks babyWhere stories live. Discover now