Chapter twenty six

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*Alexas Pov*

I woke up early due to the baby continuously kicking. I grabbed my phone and checked the time, 7:30 am. I started to go through my twitter feed and mentions when I saw a picture, my heart suddenly dropped to my stomach and uncontrollable tears escaped my eyes. How could he do this to me?
I sat there for another hour and a half looking through the pictures, constantly staring at it trying to make out why he had done this to me. I quickly picked up my phone and started to call luke

"Luke how could you I?" I asked tears starting to stream down my cheeks

"Alexa it's not what it looks like! Please give me a minute to explain!" He begged, but I'd had enough

"No, I have to go bye" I said quickly choking on my own tears

"No Alexa please" is all I heard him say before I ended the call

I got up from the bed and walked down stairs to see Gina in the kitchen

"Is everything alright?" She asked concerned

I showed her the picture and eventually broke down in tears. She looked at the picture over and over, speechless of what to say to me

"There has to be a reason behind this, he wouldn't do this on you" Gina finally spoke

I suppose she was right but what if he did? What happened to our forever?

I sat on the couch an started blankly at the walls while Gina was gone to work, all I could do was think and think about that picture! I was suddenly distracted by my phone vibrating on the side of the Couch. I reached over to see who it was, my heart sank and I become somewhat annoyed, it was luke

*lukes Pov*

I sat on my bed all day crying heavily into my hands, what was I going to do now? Alexa was honestly the only person in my life that I have ever loved so much that it physically hurts, and now she was gone. Every time I thought about her my heart just shattered like glass and it felt like the glass just kept stabbing me over and over. I needed to call her again. I quickly picked up my phone my hands shaking and started to call her

"Luke I really don't want to talk" she sighed

"Alexa please can you give me a minute to actually explained what happened" I said my voice still shaky

"Are you crying?" She asked

"Alexa I've been crying since I woke up! I need you to listen to actually what happened I swear to you it's not what it looks like" I cried

There was a long pause, everything was silent and the only thing you could hear were my sniffles as I tried to hold back my tears

"Okay go" she said quietly

I started to explain to her exactly what happened in between my sobs when James walked into the room

"James tell Alexa what happened last night please" I begged as I handed him the phone

"Alexa please you know I would tell you the truth, and I am I swear to you what luke told you is the truth I have a video here aswell! I was taking a video of beau downing a drink when I heard luke yell and I have the whole video here of what exactly happened" James said before nodding and then handing the phone back to me

"Luke, I" she said

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't of jumped to conclusions about this. I'm so stupid I should of just trusted you" she cried

I suddenly took a sigh of relief, it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, at last she believed me

17 and pregnant with Luke Brooks babyWhere stories live. Discover now