Chapter twenty seven

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*Lukes Pov*

I woke up to the plane hitting against the ground with a thump, I was home at last. I waited until the plane completely slowed down and came to a stop before I jumped up and was rearing to get off. I quickly stood up and made my way to the top of the plane trying to get off leaving the other boys behind. As I got off I got hit with the Melbourne air and I was extremely happy to be home.

"Luke wait up!" James yelled as him and the other boys ran behind me

I stopped and waited for them, as soon as they reached me we continued walking fast into the airport to the bag collection. I stood there anxiously waiting for my bag just wanting to get it quickly and go and see Alexa.

"Okay does everyone have their bags?" Jai asked

Everyone nodded and we proceeded in walking to the exit, all the other boys knew how much I wanted to see Alexa so they didn't delay and mess around. I finally felt my hand push open the door and look around the arrivals section where Alexa was meant to be. I scanned the room quickly until I saw her, she looked up from her phone and suddenly started running towards me. I felt myself do the same subconsciously, I could feel everyone stare but I didn't care, I needed her in my arms again. Finally I felt her in my arms, crying into my shoulder. I soon started to cry with happiness, I just couldn't hold back my tears any longer

"I'm so glad you're back" she said holding my tightly

"I missed you so so much" I said said kissing her over and over

I looked around the see a big crowd gathered around us all in awe as the boys took videos of the scene that had just taken place. I looked down to her stomach and back to her

"How's everything been?" I asked

"Everything's good, 3 more weeks" she squealed before hugging me tightly again

"Let's go, everyone's staring" I whispered which lead us both to laugh

I then saw my mum come over and give us all hugs, she looked beyond happy to see us all back

"What did I miss? I was in the bathroom and I thought you'd be longer coming out!" She said

"Look" beau smiled showing her the video

"That's so cute" she smiled looking at is both

I still hadn't let go of Alexa and if I was being completely honestly I wasn't planning on anytime soon

"You boys must be so tired" my mum said as we got into the car

"Saying I'm exhausted would be an understatement" Daniel yawned

"The tour was amazing though" James said

"Yeah and the turnout was seriously shocking! I was amazed" beau said showing my mum pictures of the crowds

"Wow" my mum said handing beau back his phone

We soon reached home, the jet lag really kicking in

"Luke you should go to bed" Alexa said as all the other boys were already asleep

"On one condition you have to come with me" I said

She looked at me unsure but soon agreed

"I don't wanna keep you awake" she said

"You're only gonna keep me awake if you don't come with me" I said

"Okay okay" she smiled getting up

"I missed you so much" I said holding her tightly to me

"You have no idea how much i missed you, it was so boring here" she said intertwining her hand in mine

"I'm back and I'm not going again without you" I said

"I love youuu" she said kissing me one last time before I fell into a deep sleep

17 and pregnant with Luke Brooks babyWhere stories live. Discover now