Chapter fourteen

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*lukes pov*

A girl! We're having a baby girl! I was beyond esthetic! I always wanted a baby girl so I could treat her like my very own princess

As we left the clinic I stared happily at the scans, it was becoming so much more realistic that all this was actually happening! I must admit I was petrified at the start but now, I wasn't

I was feeling so many different emotions but most of them happy, of course some days I doubted myself but Alexa was always there to reassure me

I quickly took out my phone and took a picture of the scan uploading it to twitter, the only reason I'd uploaded it to twitter was because I'd tweeted about the scan and the fans had tweeted back asking to put up a picture of our first scan

I tweeted it with excitement and happiness at the thought of having my own baby girl

"@luke_brooks: @alexa_woods we went and just got our first scan! Andddddd it's a... girl!!"

I looked to Alexa as her phone buzzed with the notification, she smiled and started to read through the tweets

I then started to read through the tweets myself to see peoples reactions


"A baby girl!! You're both going to be great parents!"

"We don't care luke"

"Stop posting pictures"

Of course there was always going to be negative tweets but the positive always made me smile so much more

Soon enough me and the boys would be going to Sydney for a meet and greet, I wanted Alexa there more then anything because I wanted to bring her on a proper first date, something special for her

I sat in silence and thought for the rest of the car journey thinking of all the ways I could show Alexa just how much she meant to me

It then hit my like a ton of bricks, I had the perfect idea

"Luke?" I heard a faint voice asked

"Yeah?" I said turning to Alexa coming out of my daze

"We're home" she chuckled

"Oh right" I laughed getting out of the car

"What were you thinking about?" She asked a little concerned

"Oh nothing, I eh was just thinking about the baby that's all" I stuttered

She smiled and nodded

"You're going to be great okay? Don't worry and don't listen to the haters" she said giving me a hard so hard that I felt every bit of emotion she had in her body

I hugged her back with the same strength maybe even harder, she was always there to reassured me even in times when I really doubted myself

"Well let's go inside I can see all the other boys anxiously look through the window" she laughed taking my hand

As we walked in I was jumped on by all the boys and the house was filled with roars

"It's a girl! It's a girl!!" James yelled

"Let me see the scan!" Jai yelled coming over to me excitedly

I quickly took the picture of the scan out of my pocket and showed it to all of the boys

No one said anything as they all took turns of looking at it individually

"Wow it's amazing" skip said in awe passing it to beau

"I still can't believe you guys are having a baby" beau said

"I know, it's really weird to think" Alexa said

The conversation continued and we got some food ordered in

I still hadn't said anything to Alexa about the meet and greet in Sydney but I was planning on saying it soon in front of the boys

"So boys is the meet and greet still on in Sydney?" Beau asked

It was like he was reading my mind asking the question that I was just about to ask

"What?" Alexa asked confused looking towards me

"We have a meet and greet in Sydney next week and I was wondering if you'd come?" I asked Alexa hoping and praying she'd say yes

"Yeah I'd love too! What day are we going?" She asked smiling

"We're leaving on Monday and coming back on Thursday, we have a meet and greet Monday and Tuesday and then we get to rest on Wednesday before leaving late Thursday night" jai explained

"Okay sounds good! Only thing is do you think the fans would want me there?" She asked worried

"Alexa I know you care about the fans opinions as much as we do but you have to come with us! You can't stay here alone we all want you there and most of the fans really love you so don't worry about it" skip smiled

"You need to come, I want you to be there" I said thinking back on my plan

"Okay I'll go" she smiled

"Good" I smiled, thinking of everything I had planned

I knew this was hard on her so I wanted to bring her out and make her feel for one night that she was 17 again, not pregnant not being hated on, nothing, just a normal 17 year old

I never really brought her on a first date so I wanted this to be special, I needed to show her that I was committed to her and only her

I needed to show her that no one else was going to capture my heart the way she did and most of all I needed to show her how much I loved her because she really wasn't aware of how much I did

All I needed to do know was try make this a night she'd never ever forget for as long as she lives

But how I was going to get my list into one night? Well that was a bit of a mystery

17 and pregnant with Luke Brooks babyWhere stories live. Discover now