Chapter thirty three

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I woke up to the sound of the bedroom door opening and Kayla jumping onto the bed

"Morning princess" I smiled kissing her forehead

"Daddy? What happened to you?" She asked poking my neck

I got up from the bed and looked into the mirror, love bites

"Oh it's just eh bruises, I must of hit off something silly me" I laughed awkwardly looking to Alexa and my mum who was in stitches of laughing

"Come on Kayla I'll get you some breakfast" my mum said taking her hand and bringing her out of the room

Alexa burst into laughter when the door was closed which made me laugh

"I'm going to kill you" I laughed looking in the mirror

"I'm sorry" she laughed tears in her eyes from laughing so hard

"I didn't know what to say to Kayla and even my mum was laughing" I said embarrassed but still laughed

"I'm sorry, forgive me?" She asked giving me those big eyes that made my heart melt

"Hmm fine" I laughed kissing her

"Come on we should go out to Kayla and your mum, we need to go out earlier" she said walking out of the room

When we went into the kitchen my mum was sitting at the table while Kayla was in the lounge eating breakfast watching some princess show

"You need to be more careful luke" she laughed

"I didn't know it was there" I said putting my hand over it

She laughed at me and continued looking through her phone eating some cereal. I looked to Alexa and suddenly felt myself falling in love again. You know when you really fall in love for the first time and your heart kinda hurts? It physically hurts and you just look at that person in complete awe because all you can see is all their perfections, I felt this way everyday around Alexa.

"Mum can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked her knowing that today I was going to get that ring and I was going to propose

She nodded and followed me to the balcony where I closed the door and started to talk to her

"So are you still going ahead with your plan?" She asked excitedly

I nodded with a smile and started to tell her all the details of how I planned to propose

"Aw luke that's so cute" she said holding her Hand to her chest

"I know, I've been planning this for a long time" I said

"Are you ready to go out?" Asked a said coming out to us

"Yeah are you ready mum?" I asked her

"Let me just get my bag" she smiled running inside

"Is everything okay?" She asked

"Oh yeah I was just asking her about tomorrow and kayla" I lied

"Oh okay" she smiled

Soon we left and we were on our way to the centre. I planned for my mum to say that she needed me to go to a shop with her and that Kayla and Alexa should go get some food or something. As we reached the centre I became excited and nervous, more excited than anything else

After a while of shopping my mum finally said she needed to go to a shop and I had to go with her

"Okay well we'll just go to get some food whatcha say Kayla?" Alexa smile bringing her off
My mum and I walked quickly across the centre until we reached the jewelers. I knew exactly what I wanted, Alexa didn't like flashy things so I wanted to get something that wasn't too big but still has a small diamond

"Are you looking for anything in particular?" The women smiled from behind the counter

"I'm looking for an engagement ring" I smiled

"Okay well we have all these ones here" she said bringing me over to where the rings were

I saw one that I instantly loved, it had Alexa written all over it and I knew that I had to get it for her

"What do you think mum?" I said quietly pointing to the one I liked

"Oh luke I love it! It's something Alexa would love" she said

"How much Is this one?" I asked

"3550$" she said

"I'll take that one, anything for her" I smiled buying the ring

The price didn't bother me, anything for her

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