Chapter thirteen

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*2 days later*

School gradually got better and everything slowly started to go back to what it was before

People didn't stare as much or I just didn't take notice to it anymore, I stayed by lukes side 24/7 as he stayed by mine

After Mondays incident he'd always stuck by me in fear that it would possibly happen again

It was coming up to exam month and tension was running high so I partially say that's why everyone had stopped taking notice to me as there was other things going on

Today was the day I went to my first proper doctors appointment where I got to see my baby for the first time

I woke up early and got ready quickly leaving luke in bed knowing he was tired

I put on the outfit luke had left out, he left out an outfit everyday for me to make me feel more confident in my tighter fit clothes instead of my baggy ones

Today he left out my favorite floral Dress and then left me pick out the rest

As I finished getting ready I felt two hands snake around my waist from behind

I jumped a little with fear but soon realized it was only luke

"Hey babe" he said giving me a kiss

"Are you ready for today?" I asked excitedly

He smiled and placed his hand on my stomach

"Can't wait!"

"Okay well I'm just going to get dressed what do you think I should wear?" He asked

"Anything I suppose, it's nothing special" I said

Luke went over to his draw and took out some jeans and a Tshirt

"I'll wear these" he said taking off his top

I couldn't help but stare at his toned abs

My jaw dropped slightly and I couldn't stop staring, I was in total utter shock

"Like what you see?" Luke smirked and laughed

I was speechless, I couldn't say anything just stare

"I emh I" I stuttered

Luke laughed which made me laugh and blush like crazy, I probably looked like a complete fool

"I'm going to get dressed I'll only be a minute" luke said putting on his shirt and Quickly getting into his jeans

"Okay you ready?" He asked as i lifted my head from my phone

I nodded and walked down with him to the kitchen

"Hey Gina" I smiled as I walked into the kitchen

"Morning Alexa, are you sleeping okay?" She asked

"She sleeps like a baby" luke said taking a spoon full of cereal

"Do I keep you awake? Please don't tell me I snore" I laughed embarrassingly

"No you don't I just lay awake beside you some nights and make sure you're sleeping"

"That's so sweet" Gina said putting her hand to her heart

"You really do that?" I smiled

"Yep" he nodded

"It's only because I love you" he smiled taking my hand

"I love you too" I whispered into his ear placing a kiss on his cheek

17 and pregnant with Luke Brooks babyWhere stories live. Discover now