Chapter twelve

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*Alexas Pov*

As we left the principals office I felt confused as to why she needed to know all about my pregnancy, where I was staying and a lot of other personal questions

I know id have to take some time off school but still she didn't need to know that much about me

As we walked outside to the lunch court everyone stared, and I mean everyone

Everyone stayed silent and just stared

It made my anxiety worse and made me start to feel nausea

"Hey look it's the pregnant 17 year old!" Someone shouted

Suddenly everyone burst into laughter

I could feel my cheeks burn with embarrassment and anger

Tears started to form in eyes but I wouldn't let them fall, this wasn't going to bother me

I looked to luke who's face was going red with anger

"Luke let's just go sit down" I said

He said nothing so I pulled him along over to a table where Zara Kate Laura Lauren jai James and skip sat

"Alexa don't listen to them" skip said giving me a reassuring look

"Alexa seriously most of the girls are just jealous that you got with luke seriously ignore them!" Lauren said giving me a hug

I couldn't hold the tears anymore, suddenly they just rolled from my eyes one after another as I tried to wipe them away not making it noticeable

"Don't cry please don't cry" James said looking at me with sad eyes

"I just don't understand why people feel the need to stare and point and worst of all laugh? I just don't get it"

"I don't get it either but there's always going to be people out there who will hate us for no reason but you know what? We can't let them take this away from us! We're having a baby! You know how great that is?" Luke finally spoke

"You're right, you're right" I said

"And it doesn't matter what anyone else says to you, I love you and that's all that matters"

Everyone awed and I blushed a little

I loved when luke said he loved me, it made me feel special and I knew he meant it every time he said it

"I love you too" I said putting my head on his shoulder

He moved my head a little with his hand and kissed me

I knew everyone was watching but I didn't care, let them stare I was happy and no one could possibly take that away from me right now

As I pulled away and opened my eyes I could see that jai James and skip had taken a lot of photos along with all the girls

"What are you guys doing?" I laughed

"Just taking a few photos you know" James smirked

"Let me see" I said taking James' phone

I looked at the photo and smiled to myself

I must admit it was cute and I did love it

"Can you send it to me?" I said handing James back his phone

"Sure thing" he winked which made me laugh

After talking for the rest of the lunch I forgot about everyone else

Then the bell rang and everyone quickly rushed to class

As I walked to my locker alone while luke went to get seats in class I was approached by girls id never talked to before but knew who they were

"What do you think you're doing stealing luke from us?" One girl said getting close to me

"I didn't steal luke from anyone?!" I said back confused

"Luke is mine and now you've taken him from me!" Another girl stated

"Okay well I didn't take luke from anyone and how is luke "yours" you don't own him?" I said back

Before I knew where I was my books had been smacked out of hands and my hair being pulled

"Let go!" I squealed

"This is what happens when you're a slu.."

I suddenly heard a few voices running towards me yelling out things I couldn't make out

I was in shock as I was pushed to the ground

"Get away from her!" Jai yelled

"Alexa are you okay?! I should of stayed with you!" Luke said helping me up

"I'm fine I'm fine don't worry it's not your fault!" I said getting up shaking

"You're shaking! No we need to get home" luke said

"Luke I'm fine honestly we can just go back to class there's only two more left" I said

"No I think lukes right Alexa I think you should go home" jai said

"Let's go to the principal and tell her you have to leave" luke said

"Yeah I'll go with you guys" jai said

I just nodded knowing what they were saying was right, I needed to get home and rest for a while

After talking to the principal she understood and let me go home with luke and jai

"We can walk home I need some air" I said

"Are you sure I can get beau" luke asked

"Yeah I'm sure it's fine" I smiled

As we reached the house Gina opened the door and engulfed me in a hug

"The school rang and told me everything are you alright hunny?" She asked

"I'm okay Gina just been a hard day but it will get better" I smiled weakly

I hoped it would get better but I knew in my heart and sole it wouldn't, it would only get worse as time went on

The bigger I got the more noticeable it would be and the more people would get jealous

I was scared, I didn't want today to be a repeat for the next 4 months of school I had left before I could leave for my last month of pregnancy

17 and pregnant with Luke Brooks babyWhere stories live. Discover now