Chapter nine

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I arrived back at lukes and knocked on the door, the butterflies already knotting in my stomach at the thought I was going back to my house

"How did it go?" He smiled bringing me in

I talked to him for a while about the girls and how happy they were

"Well that's good, are you ready to go?" He asked

"Suppose" I sighed

He took my hand and lead me to beaus car which beau was already in

"I'm going to drive you guys but I'll wait in the car while you go in" beau said starting the car

We talked the whole car journey but I could feel my anxiety getting worse the closer we reached my house

I was afraid to see my parents again, I didn't want to see my parents again

I didn't want to be apart of a family where I was an embarrassment or meant nothing to them

"Alexa?" Beau asked

"Yeah sorry?" I said coming out of my daze

"Which one is your house?" He asked

"That one there" I pointed

Beau drove over and parked outside

I felt relieved as I saw that no one was home

"No ones home" I smiled with relief

"Okay well let's go in and get all your stuff" luke said getting out of the car

I got out of the car walking up the pathway to my house remembering yesterday and the state I was in

I put the keys in the door and pushed it open

I the closed it and walked up the stairs to my room luke following me

As I walked into my room my heart dropped to my stomach

They had packed all my stuff into boxes and thrown away anything they knew was important to me into the "bin" box

"Oh my god" I said putting my hands to my face

It hit me for real, I thought maybe after a few days they'd let me come back and live with them but obviously I was wrong

They really didn't want me anymore

Tears escaped my closed eyes and rolled down my cold cheeks

"Dont cry babe, please don't cry" luke said wrapping his arms tightly around me cradling me

"I can't believe they really don't want me" I said

"I want you" he stated looking me in the eyes

"And they are so foolish not to want someone like you" he said kissing my forehead and then quickly pulling me back into the hug

We both remained silent for a minute or two before luke spoke again

"Come on let's get these boxes" he said picking up two boxes as I picked up another two

In total there was 6 boxes filled with all my clothes,shoes,make up and other personal belongings

As we went back upstairs to get the last two boxes I heard the front door open

I quickly stopped what I was doing and looked to luke

He looked back at me panicked

"Okay we just need to get these two boxes and leave, if they see us just try ignore them" luke said opening the door quietly

We silently exited my room and started to make our way down the stairs

As we made our way down the stairs I heard a voice from behind me

"Alexa what are you doing here?!"

It was my mom

I quickly froze afraid to turn around

I then put down the box and turned around to face her

"I'm getting my stuff that you were going to throw away" I stated

"I told you you're not welcome here" she said shouting more getting closer to me

"Well I'm getting my stuff and I won't be back again here's the keys I don't want them" I said throwing them at her

"Don't talk to me like that Alexa!" She said anger rushing through her body

"You're not my mother I'll talk to you whatever way I want, remember you've disowned me so don't speak to me like I'm you're daughter because I'm not" I said

I felt luke said closer to me putting his arm just under my bump

"And by the way you're not welcome to see the baby when it's born" I said picking up my boxes turning my back on her

She said nothing just stood there silently

Just as we reached the end of the staircase my dad walked into the house

His faced turned red with anger when he saw luke

He started to walk towards him put luke quickly moved away

"You have done this" he screamed putting to me

Luke looked away not knowing what to say

"I'm happy he did" I said barging past him grabbing a hold of luke pulling him along with me

As I reached the door I let luke out first and took one last look at both of my parents for the last time

"Thanks for nothing" I smiled before slamming the door and walking to the car

As we drove away I took a deep breath and put my head back

Luke didn't say anything just put his hand in mine

That was it, I'd seen my parents for the last time as my parents next time I saw them they would just be another bunch of people in the world I didn't even know existed or knew anything about

They were dead to me like I was to them

17 and pregnant with Luke Brooks babyWhere stories live. Discover now