Chapter eleven

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I woke up to alarm clock ringing in my ear

I groaned a little and rubbed my tired eyes, it was Monday

I hadn't looked at any texts I'd gotten or twitter/Facebook notifications since I did the twitcam yesterday, I just didn't want to hear all the negative comments people were saying

I kept hitting the alarm clock until it went silent again

I then turned to Alexa and shook her gently, she was so cute when she was sleeping

"Alexa" I said quietly shaking her

She twisted a little and opened her eyes slightly

"We have to get up or we'll be late" I said getting up and walking over to the wardrobe where my clothes for school were hanging

"Ugh okay" she groaned a little getting up

We still hadn't fully unpacked Alexa's boxes because we were trying to find some place to put all of her belongings

"Do you want to just get your makeup and I'll get you some clothes?" I asked since I was ready

"Okay thank you luke" she said getting up and going into the bathroom quickly applying her makeup

I rooted through the boxes until I found some clothes

I put out some jeans and a nice top for her instead of the baggy clothes she always wore, she had an amazing figure and even though she's pregnant she should still show it off

I went into the bathroom and handed Alexa her clothes

Her face filled with worry and she looked up to me

"Wear them you'll be fine" I said leaving the bathroom

"Hmm okay that's if they still fit" she said looking at the jeans

"They will now go on" I said closing the door over

I sat on the bed for a little while until Alexa came out looking more perfect than ever

The jeans fit her perfectly and the top showed off her developing bump but not too much

"I don't know luke does it show off too much?" She asked

"No no! Please wear this you look beautiful" I said walking over to her

She blushed a little and put her head down

"Okay" she smiled

"Okay let's go get some breakfast and then beau can bring us to school since he's going up that way anyway to the gym"

We exited my room and walked downstairs to see my mum had laid out breakfast for her

"Thank you Gina you didn't have to do this" Alexa smiled

"Just until you get your surroundings dear" my mum said giving us both a plate of food

We quickly ate the food and left for school

"Are you nervous?" Jai asked

"Not really" i said even though I was nervous, very nervous

"Yeah a little bit hopefully it won't be too bad" Alexa said

"Well were in most of the same classes and jai is in the others ones I'm not in and your friends are probably in them too so you won't be alone" I said

Alexa nodded and then looked back out the window as we reached the school

"Okay guys well have fun I suppose" beau said stopping the car

17 and pregnant with Luke Brooks babyWhere stories live. Discover now