Chapter 1

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After the Honeymoon Christian slowly started to back to his dominant ways. I started to become increasingly unhappy with my newlywed life. It was not what I thought it would be. I thought that the feeling of lust and butterflies would not go away but I was wrong.

"There you are" Christian said as he came around the corner into the kitchen "I was calling you didn't you hear me he asked?"

"Sorry I was just thinking!" I said with a slight smile trying to hide my unhappiness

"Anything that you care to share?" He asked with curiosity

"Not really" I said passively

He looked very displeased, but I also found him hard to read at times. I just wanted him to drop the subject and move on. He wrapped his strong arms around my waist pulling me close to him. Noticed him sneaking a peak down my low-cut shirt.

"I want you in the playroom" He said with need in his voice

"I'm a bit tired, can it wait?" I asked hoping that he would be more understanding.

"Don't start this now" He said angrily "I have given you the world the least you could do is fuck me"

"OK!" I said taking a deep breath trying to hide my feelings.

I wasn't feeling it at the moment but maybe I could make the best of it, this won't last all night. At least it usually doesn't. As I followed him to the playroom I felt a sense of relief as we were the only one's home. I hated it when he whisked me to the playroom with housekeeping personnel as an audience it was so embarrassing. Christian seemed fine with it though. We entered the playroom and I could see that he had set up the handcuffs, blindfolds and butt plugs on the red satin sheets in a meticulous row.

"Butt Plugs?" I cried in fear "I asked you to take that out of the contract"

"The contract that you never signed" He grinned

"I don't feel comfortable with this" I stated making my feeling known

"Ana, I want you to try and work with me here. It's important for both of us to be happy in this marriage. I didn't get married to you to have Missionary sex once a day. I have needs and those needs need to be respected" He explained in his usual calm voice.

I was scared. I thought after wedding that he was a changed man. That's what he said. I had only been married for a few months and I already felt trapped. Tears started to well up my eyes.

"Please!" I begged "I really don't want to"

"you like me when I'm showering you in money but when I ask for something the answer is no" He yelled angrily "I thought that you were different"

"I am Christian, I love you and I know that you love me" I cried trying to breathe "I know that none of your submissive's has loved you the way I have"

"You know this for sure?" He asked sounding doubtful. "Remember that I chose you over everyone don't make me regret that decision"

I know that he wasn't always like this but I always felt scared when he became threatening. He hasn't hit me, but I was just waiting for it to happen. Without another word I started to take my shirt off. I stifled back a cry as I pulled my jeans down to my knees, feeling very defeated.

"Thank you Ana!" He said with a sigh

He started to gently run his hands over my naked breasts, He made his way down to my vagina as he crawled on top of me.

"Ana" He breathed seductively in my ear "Why aren't you wet?"

I closed my eyes trying to escape into my mind. I didn't want Christian to be upset with me. I started to get get moist as I dreamed about Christian and I on our honeymoon in Paris. He was so handsome, sexy and kind. I could not get enough of that Christian. I wanted that Christian.

After the Honeymoon: A  fifty shades fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now