Chapter 7

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Christian asked for the check from the waitress and gave her a credit card.

"Can i just say that you look amazing. You really have been taking care of yourself in the past few months" He said smiling

"Thank you" I said awkwardly "You don't look bad yourself"

"Thank you" He said continuing to smile through tight lips "Let me make this better Ana. There is a reason we fell in love with each other. Let's go back to that place"

"I want to, Christian" I said sadly "I still think that we should go slow though"

"I understand" Christian agreed "Can i take you home?"

"Yes, thank you" I said walking past him to the door.

Christian escorted me to the car. We both sat in the car in silence till he dropped me off at my residence. I opened the door to let myself out.

"Thanks for the ride" I said with a cool tone of voice

"See you later, hopefully" He responded back.

I walked up to the front door and let myself in. I could see that Stacey was looking out the window at the blue Mercedes as it drove away.

"Wow, who was that?" She asked

"My husband, the one that i'm separated from" I answered.

"Are you getting back together with him?" She asked curious.

"Not sure, that depends. i still have so many boundaries up" I confessed "Our relationship is quite complicated so i'm taking things slow"

"I see" She said reading the situation "Are you staying here?"

"I really enjoyed my time here, and you have a been an extraordinary friend, but i think that i want to go back to Seattle" I explained.

"I understand" Stacey said "My ex and I got back together several times before we called it quits for good. I hope thing work out for you to"

"If i'm back in Spokane, is it ok if i give you a ring?" I asked trying to keep communication open.

"Of course! If you need a vacation from Mr. Right, you can come here" Stacey said smiling.

I continued to pack my things, a part of me was sad because i was just starting to feel comfortable with my independence. I felt that i had accomplished something amazing against all odds. I started with nothing and built a new life by myself. I felt like my own woman for the first time since I met Christian. I needed a place to stay once i arrived in Seattle. I knew that staying with Christian was completely out of the question. He would see that as an open opportunity to continue to treat me the same as before. I wanted him to know that i was not going to allow it. I loved him and i wanted to compromise with him so that both of our needs were met. I was not willing to sacrifice my happiness so that he could continue to live out his BDSM fantasies. I knew that there had to be another way. I called Kate. I could stay with her for a little while, just until i found my own place or reconciled with Christian. My relationship with Christian was far from perfect but it deserved a second chance.

"Kate" i said as soon as she picked up

"Yes, Ana. Good to hear your voice. I hear that you and Christian are working things out" She said elated.

"Did he say that?" I asked

"I heard it through the grapevine" She replied.

"Christian and I will be taking things slow for right now. I know that this might seem a bit odd, but can i stay with you and Elliot for a while?" I asked

"Sure" Kate answered "Why are you not going back home to Christian?"

"It's still a bit complicated" I said trying to be vague.

"Whatever you need Ana, you know i'm here for you" Kate said "I'll make sure there is room here, do you need a ride?"

"That would be great, if it's not too much trouble" I said

"For you anything" Kate gleamed "I'll make sure that he treats you right"

"Thank you so much Kate" I gushed "I just need time to think"

"Are you thinking of divorce?" Kate asked "After you moved i thought for sure that you and Christian were through? However he seemed determined to get you back and now here you are"

"I haven't decided yet" I said honestly

"I'm just going to finish up here and i'll start the long drive down to your place in Spokane. I will let you know when i get close" Kate said

"Thank you" I answered.

I Got off the phone with Kate. I felt more at ease after our conversation. I had a place to go, for now. I looked over at Stacey, who was sitting in the living room watching tv. I had made some amazing connections over the past 4 months, and some amazing experiences. I had not regrets about how things turned out. The reason that i wanted to go back to Seattle was to see if Christian was truly seeking healing and trying to change or if he just wanted his wife home to feed his sexual desires.


For the first time since Ana left i felt like there was a glimmer of hope. Would she agree to be my wife again? or would she ask for a divorce? All the money in the world could not buy companionship and love. I wanted her to come home to me. My desires to punish women that looked like my mother were still there, but i was determined control them. I exercised control in every part of my life. I expected to be taking Ana on the flight home with me but she had refused. She was still angry, maybe she needed time. As long as she remained mine, my heart and soul could breath a sign of relief. Taylor came to pick me up from the Airport as i had requested.

"Where is Mrs. Grey?" Taylor asked confused.

"She didn't want to come back with me Taylor" I confessed.

"I'm really sorry to here that Sir" Taylor empathized "Do you want to go home?"

"Yes please!" I answered.

"I know it's been hard on you these past four months but i believe she will come back" Taylor reassured me.

"I hope so" I sighed "She's my soulmate, there is no one else for me"

"I understand" Taylor agreed

Taylor didn't continue to make small talk. He knew that i was a man of few words. Taylor's reassurance and kind words had gotten me through these past months more than he realizes. I knew that Ana would be skeptical about my ability to change. I wanted to be a better man, not just for her but for myself. My soul needed healing. I didn't want to just tell her that i had changed. I wanted her to see it. I was seeing a psychologist regularly. He had recommended that I stop all contact with Elena. I was surprised how little i missed her. I thought that she was a source of comfort but she only served to bring me back to my darkness. I needed Ana, she was my light. Taylor dropped me off at the apartment. I felt exhausted psychologically and emotionally. I needed sleep desperately. I walked into the apartment, forcing myself to brush my teeth and change my clothes. i entered my bedroom, collapsing on top of the blue silk sheets. Seeing Ana only made me want her more. I know that she felt controlled. As much as he was killing me, i will wait for her to contact me. Showing her that i could give her some space would be my first step to showing her i could still be the man she needed me to be.

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