Chapter 10

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I shouldn't be so nervous to have dinner with my husband. I was staring at my closet trying to decide what to wear. Was he expecting a formal meeting or was he trying to be more down-to-earth? I settled on a dark blue knee length dress with black 3' heels. If we went somewhere formal i would fit in but it wasn't over the top by any means. I put some light make-up on so that i felt more presentable. Knowing Christian he would arrive early and expect me to be ready. I looked down at my phone 6:30 pm. He would be here any minute. I looked outside my bedroom window. A light blue Honda civic pulled up out front. Doesn't really seem like his style, i wonder what his angle is? I ran downstairs grabbing my purse along the way.

"Have fun on your date with Christian" Kate said sipping a cup of tea from the couch.

"I will" I answered slightly startled by her presence.

"He loves you, you know" Kate said

"I know. I think it will take more than love to repair this though" I replied.

"When two hearts want to be with each other they will find a way" She commented

"I wish i shared your optimism" I answered cracking a slight smile "I'll be back before midnight i'm sure"

"Should i send a search party if you aren't" She said trying to make light of the situation.

"Yes" I laughed opening the front door.

Christian watched me get into the passenger seat of the car. He didn't try to embrace me with affection, instead he treated me like a client at a business meeting.

"Did you first day back at SIP go well?" He asked before turning the car over.

"I was nervous but it seems to be exactly like it was before" I answered.

"I was hoping everything would go well" Christian said

"Where are we going?" I asked

"It's a surprise! or do you not like surprises anymore" Christian responded.

"I do" I answered "But it depends on what it is. I suppose"

"Do you trust me?" Christian asked seriously.

"I'm not sure anymore but i'm willing to let you take control of our evening" I replied honestly.

"Ok! I'll take that" Christian said.

Christian put the pedal to the medal. I could tell that my words had hit a cord. He was angry. I decided to be honest, he needed to know how i felt at that moment. If we don't communicate how can anything get better. Christian pulled into a back alley. He slowed his driving down to a crawl, finally pulling into a parking stall behind a strip mall. He turned off the engine. Looking at with sincerity and hope in his eyes.

"I want to change. I've been working hard on myself and i will continue to do so till i can be the husband you need" He said adamantly.

"You are the husband i need, you just need time to heal" I responded.

"Let's go inside and have dinner, my love" He said opening the car door for me.

"Let's" I agreed

We walked together into the restaurant. I wove my finger tips into his to show him my support. We would get there and we would get there together.

Christian POV

I dressed in a dress shirt and black pants. I wanted to look like i cared. I was trying to win back my wife's heart. She was kind, down-to-earth, and sweet. I had to make sure that i wasn't dressed to go to a board meeting. I showered and got dressed then walked over to my rack of car keys. I started at the wall combing through each key trying to thing about which car would suit this situation. A Honda civic seems more her style. I wanted her to look at me with love and not as a money tree. I picked up the keys to the Civic and headed down to the parking garage. She would be expecting me early, after all i had a reputation of punctuality. I pulled up outside of Kate and Elliot's place at 6:30 pm. I sat in the car practicing what i would say to Ana when i saw her. She didn't keep me waiting long, she walked out in a cute blue dress. I wanted to peel that dress off of her and make love to her in the back seat of the car but i had to be on my best behaviour. I had to have her trust first. I had to work for it.

"Did you first day back at SIP go well?" I started.

"I was nervous but it seems to be exactly as it was before" She said without looking up at me.

Why was she being so fucking difficult. Didn't she know what i was before she married me? I put all my cards on the table before we were committed to each other in holy matrimony. This felt like a total manipulation tactic. She was toying with my emotions. Was i not enough for her? Was she looking for reason's to give up on our love? We will see how this date plays out. Maybe my marriage is already over.

"Do you trust me?" I asked silently desperate for a 'Yes' to escape her lips.

"I'm not sure anymore but i'm willing to let you take control of our evening" She replied.

"I'll take that" I answered without thinking.

I still felt unsatisfied. She was looking at me as though i was a monster. I performed some uncomfortable BDSM stuff on her months ago. How could it have been that traumatic for her. She was definitely playing this up to get some sympathy from me. How could i have not seen her manipulation before we got married. I'm already invested in the date, i might as well finish it.

I pulled into the little italian place that i had made reservations for. I wanted something less flashy, so we would have a quiet place to talk. I still needed to come clean about going to see Lina. I knew i was in the wrong, i needed her forgiveness. I needed her to work with me. I'm not a perfect man. I looked deeply into her warm blue eyes before speaking from my heart.

"I want to change. I've been working hard on myself and i will continue to do so till i can be the husband youMaybe this marriage is salvageable. Maybe Ana will forgive me and give me another chance. Another chance to treat her right. need" I declared

"You are the husband i need, you just need time to heal" She responded.

After the Honeymoon: A  fifty shades fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now