Chapter 2

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I waited till we both had a cup of coffee and we were on the highway to explain what was going on. I knew that she was trying to respect my feeling but at the same time, dying to know what was happening.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on "Kate asked impatiently

"Christian and I have a very complicated life in the bedroom" I started to explain "At times though, I feel that he is not respecting my wishes"

"What is he doing wrong? I thought that he made you so happy?" She questioned "Is he hurting you? Physically?"

"He hasn't hit me Kate!" I said defending Christian "But he can be manipulative and sometimes he pushes me to do things that I do not necessarily feel comfortable with"

"What does he do to you?" She asked directly with a serious tone "I must say that what your explaining to me sounds like emotional manipulation. I know that you don't have a lot of experience with relationship but I can tell you that does not sound healthy"

I explained my unique relationship with Christian to Kate, as best I could without giving too many intimate details. it was a lot for her to take in. I didn't want to demonize Christian or blame everything on him either because I knew that part of the problem was me. I gave him this impression that I would go along with whatever, kinky fuckery that he felt like, but the further we got into the world of BDSM the more that I wanted to go back to a vanilla relationship. Christian was eccentric and mysterious, that was part of what drew me to him, but there were limits to what I was willing to do. I didn't get any pleasure from certain parts of BDSM. Christian had become more and more frustrated with my unwillingness to comply with his kinky demands. I wanted a "normal" relationship with "normal" sex. I thought that he was changing and learning to compromise with me. He kept telling me that "I was the one changing him". Now, I feel that he would tell me anything to keep me. It felt good to finally get that weight off my chest.

"that's a lot to take in" She said shocked

"I know!" I explained "I still deeply love Christian; I don't know if I am going to leave him or if we will try to work this out. I'm just winging this right now, and I'm very scared"

"I'm not in-charge of your life but I really think that you need to make it clear to him what your limits are. He's testing them, right now. I am also assuming that he doesn't know that you left early from work" Kate reiterated "It takes a crazy amount of strength to leave an abusive relationship, many women live years of their lives feeling trapped in their relationships. I am very proud of you"

"No he doesn't, and I know that he has shown up at my parent's place before when he was upset that I left without his permission. I know that he will come for me when he finds out where I am. I am also just taking this one step at a time. I have the element of surprise on my side" I explained to Kate "Oh and before I forget. Please do not tell Elliot anything"

"I haven't said a word to him, I figured that you wanted this to stay between us" She said

I looked up and saw a sign for Ellensburg, I asked Kate to turn in to the town so that we could find a place to eat and a bank machine so that I could get cash out of my account. I knew that I would need Christian's permission to take out any great amount of money, so I decided that I would make several transactions from my own account to avoid suspicion. I pulled out several thousand from my savings account. I wanted to make it harder for Christian to track my whereabouts. Kate pulled into a Denny's that was located close to the highway. That way we could make a quick exit if necessary. We walked in without a word, waiting for the hostess to seat us. We were ushered to a small booth in the back of the restaurant, where she took our drink orders and scampered off.

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