You Made My Life Better

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You made my life better
not when you came
nor when you promised to not cause me pain,
nor when you stayed by my side and
we watched both the sunset
and the sunrise together,
but when
you left me
for another.

You made me smile
not when you told me jokes in the past
not when I still had your love
but when I looked back
at the time I tried to live
after the death you have sentenced me with
I survived,
and realized
how many barrels of strength I really
have inside.

You made me worthy
not of your kisses
nor of your time and promises
but of something I have forgotten
of something I thought I never would find again
when I lost you, in tears and in ruins of my being,
I found me
when you made me think I deserved nothing
you made me worthy of me.

You made my life good
when I thought
you were mine, and mine alone to keep
when I thought,
we'd be the ones holding hands 'til the end
when everything was real
until they weren't
when I believed in
but you made my life better
in more ways I can imagine
when I didn't have you any longer
and saw again
what I've always been capable of,
what I've always been worthy of,
and what I've always had.

You made my life better after I stopped crying.
After you've left your mark in my life and became
a well-remembered
and a much needed lesson.
I sincerely thank you.

For leaving.

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