On Opposite Sides of the Same Road

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I know that one day our roads will cross again but unlike before, not one of us would giggle in greeting and ask how the other has been and try to make a conversation and look happy. There won't be any smiles. Not even a trace of it. Instead, we would be two people determined to not be on the same side of the road if our paths ever meet, trying our best to be strangers who happened to be on the same road, with a stark indifference for each other, eyes glued to our phones pretending to do something, headset worn on both ears to appear to be listening to music, and just like that, pass by each other as if no kisses, no secrets, no hugs, no dreams linked us some time ago.

And you will never know how after a few steps, I stopped and turned to look at you only to see your back as you kept walking forward and further away from me.

I envy you.

Will I ever learn to walk the way you do?

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