Coffee Shops and Other Tales

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I would like to be seated with you again in our favorite coffee shop. The one where they play Lana Del Rey nonstop. I would look straight into your eyes. And say that the Earth is really flat. And that Atlantis was finally found. And there's actually a pot of gold at the end of rainbows. And that unicorns are true. And that I have come to my senses and I still love you.

I always have.

But of course I won't have any chance to say all that. Because I saw you entering that coffee shop holding somebody else's hand, smiling the kind of smile I know you only have when you're completely happy.

So I grabbed my coffee, took my leave. I will let these tears fall once I'm alone in my room. I tried to tell myself. But I felt so betrayed. When they fell at that second I glimpsed at you. You caught me looking. And you just simply turned away. Right at that moment, I knew your heart has found a new home. And you have totally moved on.

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