1: soulmate system.

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The process of finding the soulmate is long. Usually, it takes 6 years, but for some people it might actually take 10 years.

At the age of 10: some children can experience having the same dream as their soulmate. Of course, this only happens during the soulmate's birthday. Most people don't notice this is a sign, and simply shrug it off by thinking it's a normal dream.

At the age of 11: no signs should show up at this age. Still, there have been cases of children having the same dream as their soulmate. This only happens to children who, at the age of 10, didn't get to experience it. Once again, it's very rare to have any symptoms at this age.

At the age of 12: no signs should show up at this age.

At the age of 13: no signs should show up at this age.

At the age of 14: this is the usual age for people to get their first symptom. A number should appear in their body, and the place depends on their writing hand:

RIGHT-HANDED: the number appears in their left hand.

LEFT- HANDED: the number appears in their right hand.

MIXED-HANDED: the number appears in their less dominant hand.

AMBIDEXTROUS: depends of the soulmate's writing hand. Ex: If the soulmate is right-handed, the number will appear in your right hand. If the soulmate is also ambidextrous, the number will appear in a random part of the body.

At the age of 15: the next number should appear. This number, and the one that appeared the year before are the day the soulmate was born.

At the age of 16: the next number should appear. Also, a superpower may appear. (For more information on superpowers, check the paragraph number 6).

At the age of 17: the next number should appear. This number, and the one that appeared the year before are the month the soulmate was born.

In some people, the day and the month can be switched. It's very rare, though.

At the age of 18: two numbers should appear. Also, a superpower may appear, if it didn't appear at the age of 16.

At the age of 19: two more numbers should appear. This number, and the one that appeared the year before are the year the soulmate was born.

At the age of 20: the last year when the signs appear. Under the new system, people should get the full name of their soulmate under the numbers of their birthday. But, due to a flaw in the system, most people only get a chance of talking telepathically with their soulmate. This happens, as always, during the soulmate's birthday.

After the age of 20, no more signs should appear. If they do appear, the person should go to their nearest Soulmate Administration Center and get themselves checked.


If you find your soulmate, you have to activate the bond. Activating it means that you become fully connected to that person, and you might get some benefits from it, like telepathy (for more information on telepathy, check the paragraph number 4) and health transference (for more information on health transference, check the paragraph number 5).

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