Skeleton Mars

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As Mars laid in a corner of his room one night taking his last few breaths, he was visited by a demon.

"I will give you immortality, if you sell me your soul, but of course there will be a twist," spoke the demon in a deep voice with an echo following every word.

Through gasps, Mars spoke, "What's.. the.. twist?"

"You will be overpowered by a passion to kill, but is this all that bad? You could get revenge on all of those who bullied you and pushed you to be how you are today. So what do you say? Do we have a deal?"

"Yes," said Mars as his world began to fade.

"Nice doing business with you Skeleton Mars," said the demon with a wide smile and vanished into thin air.

Mars's world went black as the demon disappeared from his room.

He was dead.

He laid on the ground lifeless for a minute, but then he began to breathe again. "Kill, kill, kill," the first thing to go through his mind. He was alive, but he had a new found thirst for blood.

Skeleton Mars proceeded to kill all of his past bullies and now he just travels around killing anyone who is skinny or who feels too fat.

Skeleton Mars sneaks into people's bedrooms at night while they sleep. He then uses another gift he was given by the demon. His bone exposing fingertips are constantly bleeding and his blood has magical properties. Just one drop of his blood down someone's throat will knock them completely out for five hours, enough time for him to kill.

Once a person has been knocked out, Skeleton Mars, uses his bone exposing fingertips to dig into people's stomachs. He scratches and scratches until he tears the skin. He then puts his hand inside the stomach and grabs a hold of the intestines and begins to pull. He'll pull and pull until they're all out.

Skeleton Mars pulls out all the organs in the abdomen and in the morning all that's found is a bloody dead body with the intestines and other organs just laying on the side.

On a wall, written in blood, it always says, "No intestines = the perfect skinny."

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