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I sat at the desk, listening to the talk about what could've caused the people to go crazy and try to kill each other. "Anger, hate, aggression," Wells said, wheeling in from Caitlin's corner.

"A Jedi craves not these things" Cisco mimicked Yoda. "No ones feeling that quote?"

"I really need to re-watch Star Wars," I said, leaning back in my chair. "This guy was able to turn dozens of people against one another, just imagine what else he can do"

"Anger can be a powerful emotion," Wells said, "If this metahuman can engender irrational feelings in his victims..."

"He could cause havoc among the strongest" I sighed.

"Joe and Avery helped me get a copy of the CAT scans the hospital did on everyone at the bank. Take a look" Caitlin walked in, putting in the flash drive and pulled up the scans. 

It was the brain and it was clearly messed with, even I knew that. "Look at this. The emotion centers of the brains are still showing signs of being overwhelmed" Wells said.

"Particularly the area that controls executive function," Caitlin said, I gave her a look asking for an explanation on what that part was. "The part that stops people from doing random and potentially destructive thins that pop into their head"

"Clearly that parts was affected by that lightning bolt," I said looking at Barry who looked at his hands. Caitlin held out her fist and fist bumped.

"How do you think the meta-human does it to them?" Barry asked, ignoring me and Caitlin teaming up on him.

"That's the half-million-dollar question" Caitlin shrugged. Barry's phone began going off, Iris,

"If you guys figure it out, just give me a call, okay?" He said, getting ready to run out.

"Bartholomew," I said, he sighed and gave me a look, leaning down and kissing me.

"I'm sorry, I have to," He says. In a split second, he and his suit were gone.

"He's gonna ruin Iris' relationship" I sighed, "Should I warn him my sister is coming to town as well?"

"No, but can you get a video of his reaction?" Cisco smirked.

"Love your thinking!" I smirked, standing up and heading out. "See you guys"


I found my old team hanging out in an old abandoned lot/building. "There's the Canary" Felicity smiled, jumping over and hugging me. "Oh, it's good to see you again"

"You two, Fel" I smiled, hugging back.

"Ave" Dig smiled, bringing me into a hug. "How've you been?"

"Good, getting past it as best as possible" I sighed. Oliver came over next and took me into a bear hug. "Jesus, Ollie, I need air"

"Sorry" He chuckled, "It's been hard without you"

"Oh come on, I've only been gone a year" I laughed. I saw Laurel walking over. "Laur..."

"Ave" She hugged me, much like the hug we had when I was brought back from the dead. God, it had really been 2 months.

Sara's death came a week after we had the small memorial for Robert, and it still shocks me to this day. "Where's your boyfriend?" Dig asked, almost protectively.

"Rendezvous with Iris" I sighed, we sat together on the porch of the building.

"Remind me to stick him with an arrow for that," Oliver said.

"I can never tell if he's joking or being truthful," Felicity said.

"Sounds truthful to me," I said, leaning on the table, "And I've known him 23 years"

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