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Felicity ran facial recognition and got a hit on Harkness, so in minutes we were running off to the train station, attempting to catch him before he ditched. 

Barry ran ahead and moved all the civilians off the platform, leaving Harkness as the only one left. I crouched my way towards him on the top of the train.

Barry ran Oliver in and Oliver aimed his arrow at Harkness, as soon as he did me and Roy hopped off the trains, landing almost right behind him. "Get on the ground" Oliver commanded.

Harkness chuckled, looking around at us. "Why would I want to do that?" He asked.

"You hurt a friend of mine" I spat.

"Do you really think there's anywhere in the world where we can't find you?" Oliver asked. "The Canary has connections and The Flash has the speed... I have the bow"

"Which is why I have a contingency in place" Harkness smirked. He pulled out a device pressing a button in illuminated red. "Five bombs planted through Starling. Now, you can stop me or you can stop the bombs, you can't do both"

This was not going to end well, god... When does a 

"Bombs are armed. In 90 seconds, this city will be on fire" Harkness spat.

"Go, take Canary" Oliver whispered. Barry ran, picking me up and running.

"Guys! Harkness just triggered five bombs throughout the city" Barry said. 

"We don't know where," I said. I could tell Team Tech was working on locating the bombs, so I decided to do something. "Barry put me on the old Palmer Tech building, I have an idea"

Barry put me on the building and ran off again, I looked around and scanned this city. "What are you doing Canary?" Caitlin asked.

"I know this city better than the back of my hand, Harkness doesn't," I said, looking around. "He would've put them in places easier to get to as a civilian, check the Mall on Jordan Street and the Park on the 18th street"

"She's right, one at the Mall, one at faith and flowers, one at an apartment building on Lefton and Rhodes, one in a parking lot on York, and the final one is in an office on Hamill street," Cisco said.

"I'm close to Hamill, I'll take it," I said, pressing my tether and flying off. 

"Be careful Canary" Barry warned.


"Canary, press the button on the side of your mask," Cisco said. I did as told and heard a small beep. "I put mini-camera in both of your suits last week"

"Do we know what type of bomb I'm looking for?" I asked, sneaking around the office. I saw a red and silver box with a bunch of wires. "Nevermind found it"

"Don't try disarming it yet," Felicity said. "We think they are all connected"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"One blows, they all blow"


"We have to defuse all the bombs at the same time," I said. "But even with super speed, Barry can't get to them in time"

I heard absolute silence, listening for anything. "It's the undertaking all over again" Laurel sighed.

"I have a plan, but you all need to be prepared," Barry said. 

"Okay, just do it," Felicity said.

I waited by the bomb, looking at the different wiring. "This is familiar," I said.

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