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No sleep for 3 days. Stupid Eddie, stupid task force. "Coffee delivery" Barry came over with 3 coffees. 

"Oh thank god" I sighed, standing up and taking a cup, kissing him. "You are a life saver"

"I was starting to fear she was gonna go insane on us," Joe said, taking the other cup. Eddie grabbed one, thanked Barry and sat back down.

"I figured you would need it when you didn't come to see me last night," Barry said, I looked down at my desk calendar and back at Barry.

"Oh my god Barr, I'm sorry," I said, kissing him again. "Happy anniversary"

"Happy anniversary" He kissed back, "Don't worry, we'll do a makeup date on Saturday"

"You guys have been together for a year now?" Joe asked.

"Basically," I said, "Our first date was a year ago"

"Congrats," Joe said. 

"Lance, West, Thawne" Singh said, motioning for us to go into his office. We headed in, Singh sat at his desk and we stood in front of it. "None of you guys have gone home in 3 days"

"We didn't exactly want to stay the 3 days," I said, crossing my arms. "But apparently this task force will be the life and death of us"

"You're all off for a week," Singh said.

"But sir," Eddie said.

"A week," Singh said, "I don't want any of you back here until Tuesday"

"I'll take it," I said, "I'm off to celebrate a year with my boyfriend, see you!"

I ran off, grabbing my bag and taking Barry's hand. "Singh gave you the rest of the day off?" He asked.

"Week, a week off," I said, "Come on, let's go out tonight"

"I know just the place"


We arrived at the same restaurant we went out to for our first date. "Oh my goodness" The hostess smiled, "I knew you two would still be together"

"Pardon?" I asked.

She moved out of the way to reveal a wall of people in the restaurant that looked like they were on dates. "We can usually decipher when people are on their first dates," She said, "Not many come back, but those who do, we are excited to see"

"Wow" Barry chuckled. 

"This way" She leads us to the exact table we had last year, "A server will be with you shortly"

We sat down and I giggled, "The only time my photo has been hung on a restaurant wall was when I was banned from going to a small chain restaurant in Vegas after a crazy night," I said.

"Party years?" He asked, chuckling.

"League years," I said. He nodded and opened the menu. "I can't believe it's been a year"

"Me neither" He smiled. "I was just happy you agreed to go on a date with me, honestly thought you wouldn't say yes, especially with how I met you"

I was looking at all the boxes and containers, looking for anything misplaced or moved. "Anyone with a grudge?" Dad asked Oliver.

"None that would go after applied science, it may be new, but no one would go after it" Oliver sighed. I heard something clatter, I stood up and looked back to see a guy my age, pulling a case and stumbling a little.

"Sorry" He whispered to the table. I bit my lip to top my laughter.

"Who are you?" dad asked him.

"Barry. Allen... Barry Allen" Barry said, pulling out his wallet and flashing his CSI badge. "I'm CSI with Central City"

"Detective Quentin Lance" Dad said, "My daughter and partner-"

"Detective Avery Lance" I budged in.

"Nice to meet you" Barry smiled, I smiled back.

"There's some leftover residue, I'll show you," I say, he walked ahead of me as Dad pulled me over for a second.

"Avery, don't let personal-" I cut him off.

"Interfere with professional' I know dad," I said, "Excuse me while I help him be professional"

I headed over to him and helped him. While talking to him about what else could have been stolen, I looked back and saw Oliver giving me a questioning look. "I'll be right back," I said, standing up and walking over to him. "What?"

"I don't like him," He said.

"Too bad, I do" I smiled crossing my arms, "You were the one that said we couldn't do anything anymore, so here I am, moving on" I paused, looking back at Barry as he collected evidence. "I wonder how nice Central City is, haven't been there in a while..."

"Avery," Oliver said.

"I'll talk later, Oliver" 

"He didn't like me?" Barry asked. We had finished dinner and decided to go for a walk, just like our first date. 

"He didn't like anyone that came into our lives randomly," I said, "He was just highly protective of the people in his life"

"I stumbled on a table and apologized to it, and he feared I could hurt him and his family?" Barry asked, laughing a little.

"Yea, he didn't really realize that wasn't an act until his mom's party" I laughed.

"I am a very clutzy person" He chuckled. We stopped near where we had our first kiss. "How long did this walk take originally?"

"4 hours," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. "How long did it take us this time?"

"3 hours and 30 minutes" He smiled, leaning down and kissing me. "Let's get a hotel room"



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