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I had been avoiding Joe and Wells all day, sitting with Caitlin and Felicity, listening on them talking. "Avery" Joe walked in. I ignored him, flipping another page in my magazine. "Partner"

I looked up, eyebrows raised. "Pardon?" I asked, closing my magazine, Felicity and Caitlin looked at me.

"We need to talk," He said, heading into the hallway. I huffed, following him out. 

"What is it?" I asked, crossing my arms as he turned to me.

"I don't trust the arrow because, to me, he's a man without a face," He said, pointing back with his thumb, "He isn't human to me, you're human to me, I saw you cry at Barry's side, I saw you injured and human-like, I've never seen him like that"

"Because we went hell, he took the full force of hell for me," I said, starting to pull my phone out, "He'll be angry at me for this, but if you want to see who that man is, then so be it"

I showed him the photo of Oliver holding baby Sara. "Is that..."

"Yea, the billionaire playboy walked out of hell ready to serve some justice" I chuckled, putting my phone away. "The same playboy who held my hand as I gave birth to my son, who helped bury my son, the same man who mourns my son to this day, the man who held me as I died"


"He is more human than any human, because while his life in luxury, he is determined to die for justice," I said, "You want to call him a murderer? Okay. But as I recall, you fired that shot into Clyde Mardon"

I walked off, heading back into Caitlin's office. "Hey, are you okay?" Felicity asked.

"Peachy" I smiled.


I had to come into work to back up Eddie on the task force again, mostly since I was from Starling. "That psycho attacked a witness last night" Eddie exclaimed. "If the Flash and Canary teamed up with him, imagine what can happen"

"If I recall the Black Canary was also there" Singh sighed.

"The Black Canary is a novice," I said.

"The Black Canary has been around since the Canary" Eddie said, looking back at me before looking at Singh again.

"No, those were just The Canaries, the Black Canary is taller and operates without the other Canaries, until last night," I said, "My father has kept a detailed description of them all"

"What about the other ones the so-called Arrow works with?" Singh asked, sitting down.

"Arsenal, Red Arrow, and Spartan," I said, "Arsenal isn't a killer, a tough right hook, but hasn't killed anyone. Red Arrow is the only female Archer, she hasn't killed anyone either, but she has knocked a tooth or two out. Spartan has been around since the beginning, only one kill and that was to save my father from Count Vertigo"

"What about the Canary? Our Canary?" Singh asked.

"18 kills," I said, "Deadly with a simple bo staff, but her kills range in the... sexism acts..."

"They're all psychos," Eddie said.

"The Arrow must be in town for something. If he strikes again, we'll go after him" Singh sighed.

"That's the same mentality they have in Starling," Eddie said.

"You insulting my father, Thawne?" I asked, crossing my arms. "Better yet, you insulting me?"

"Now, now," Singh said, "I think you should leave now, both of you. Lance, this is your day off, so home. Thawne, get back to work"

I sighed, walking out. Joe and Barry were talking to one another. "I should get back to work," Joe said, walking off.

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