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"You can work with us," Oliver said, me and Felicity fist bumped. "We need to reassemble the evidence, it will take some time, but it'll-" Barry ran over to the boomerangs and began putting them together at super speed. When he was finished, he put them in front of us like nothing. "But, it'll be worth it"

I grabbed one of the boomerangs along with Cisco. "Rad. These are a little more teched out than the one you brought to Central city" He said, examining it.

"Yet it feels lighter than the last one," I said, sort of bouncing it in my hand. 

"3D printed polymer with a circuitry weave" Cisco explained.

"Some of Harkness' boomerangs exploded" Roy stated.

"Oh, yeah, there are grooves in her that could definitely pack a C4 charge" Cisco nodded. I looked at Oliver who was clearly confused.

"Miss the days our bad guys only used guns and swords?" I asked, putting the boomerang down.

"Definitely an easier time" He sighed.

"Maybe if we find out where Harkness got the supplies, we can use that to track him" Caitlin suggested.

"Smart team you've got here" Lyla whispered.

"These weren't made by Ka-boom-boomerang," Cisco said, looking at it more.

"Ka-boom-boomerang?" Roy asked.

"Mostly" I whispered back.

"Yea, you know, he has exploding boomerangs?" Cisco shrugged.

"That's not your best," Barry said, chuckling a little. 

"Really it makes perfect sense-" Oliver cut off Cisco, clearly ticked off.

"Cisco" Oliver states. "If Harkness didn't make them, we need to find out who did"

"And who he made the buy off of," I said.

"Marcos. This collapsible node design?" Cisco showed it to us. Marcos... Where have I heard that name before? "Dead giveaway. That's his signature"

"We need a location on this..." Oliver looks at Cisco before walking over to Felicity who was already typing on her computer.

"Klaus Marcos," Cisco said. Seriously, I feel like I know this guy...

"No known home address or place of employment for Marco, but he was arrested last year by an officer Quentin Lance and his partner... Avery Lance" Everyone looked at me.

"That's where I know his name from," I said. 

"Do you know anything about him?" Lyla asked.

"No, it was my dad who knew the leads on him, he just took me as backup," I said. "But I can get dad to tell me about him"

"Let's go pay him a visit than"


"Little Lance?" The secretary shot up, "It's been a while"

"Hello, Mary" I smiled, "We're here to see my dad"

"Of course, he's in his office" She smiled. "It's good to see you"

"Great seeing you too," I said, we began heading for my dad's office, getting greeted by every other officer. 

"Hey, Little Lance"

"Long time no see, Little Lance" 

"Good to see you're alive, Ave"

"Hi, Little Lance"

"Does everyone know you?" Barry asked.

"I practically grew up in this precinct" I shrugged. "Most of these guys can tell you stories about me when I was like 3"

"Avery?" Dad and Laurel walked over.

"Hi dad, Laur" I kissed his cheek and hugged Laurel. "We need your help"

"Are you three... working together?" Laurel asked.

"Yes," I said. Dad was looking at Barry. "Dad?"

"You really are alive," He said.

"I'm pretty sure I would know if I was dating a dead man, dad," I said.

"What's up?" Laurel asked.

"A case we pulled off last year before my transfer," I said to dad, "We need information on it"

"Of course, come on" Dad motions for us to follow him to his office.

"Actually, Oliver, can we talk?" Laurel asks.

"Yea, I'll be back in a bit" Oliver nodded. Barry and I followed dad to his office, closing the door.

"Klaus Marcos," I said.

"Oh, him" Dad sighed, sitting down.

"You barely told me anything about him when we went for him, just that he was an arms dealer and he was dangerous," I said, sitting across from him, Barry stayed stood behind me.

"You would've gone... shiqa on him," Dad said, pulling out a file.

"Eashiqa dad, Eashiqa," I said, "And why would I?"

"He gave Slade Wilson hundreds of weapons" Dad sighed. "And he's worked for the Bratva, and the Chinese triad"

"All my enemies. I wouldn't be surprised if he's tied to Malcolm Merlyn" I shook my head. "Anything else?"

"Yes," He smiled, "A simple request"

"Dinner?" I asked, smiling.

"With him, and your sisters, and Donna and Felicity" Dad sighed, motioning to Barry and then at the door. I tilted my head before realizing what he meant.

"Oh," I said shocked. "Sara's in town?"

"No, I was hoping you could get her into town?" He smiled.

"The league has her on a tight rope, the last we talked she was infiltrating a drug ring in Mexico and that was 3 weeks ago" I sighed, "We can try and call her, but she goes off grid fast"

"Yea, she would support us anyways" He shook his head. "Tomorrow tonight, 6 at Luna Gaze, you both in?"

"Sure" I smiled, "Barr?"

"Yea, we can make it"

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