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"Barry, are you okay?" Felicity asked from across the table. 

"Yea" Barry sighed leaning back.

"He's upset with me," I said, leaning on the table.

"What did you do?" Laurel asked.

"The Canary needed information" I whispered.

"That was not the way to get information," Barry said, leaning towards me. "That wasn't you out on the field, Ave"

"No, that was the Starling City Canary" I shot back, "Barry, this isn't Central City"

"Hey" I turned and saw Dad and Donna walking over. "Have you guys ordered yet?"

"No, we waited" Felicity smiled. Dad helped Donna into the seats and we opened our menus.

 "Well, order what you want," Dad said, sitting next to me and Laurel.

"I'll just get a steak," Barry said.

"With potatoes and vegetables," I said, "He needs a lot of food"

"Right" Quentin nods. "Let me guess, spaghetti and meatballs?"

"You know us so well, Dad" Laurel smiled.

"Felicity?" Dad asked.

"Pork and vegetables," Felicity said. "So, what is this about?"

"Well, you know how we've been... hanging out" Donna began. 

"We've actually been dating," Quentin said. "And recently, we've decided..."

"To move in with one another" Donna smiled. "So, I'm moving here, to Starling"

"That's amazing" I smiled. Felicity was clearly shocked.

"Wow," Felicity said.

"I'm happy for you, Dad" Laurel smiled.

"What about your job?" Felicity asked Donna.

"I can get a job here, sweetie" Donna smiled, "Are you not happy?"

"I need air" Felicity stood up and headed for the door. 

"You want to take this?" Laurel asked me, I sighed and nodded.

I stood up and headed for the door as well, stepping out and seeing Felicity leaning on the wall. "Fel?" I asked. 

"Sorry," Felicity said, "I love that our parents are happy together and all, but she's coming into a war zone"

"You're worried about how she's going to adapt to living in a life where she's connected to vigilantes," I said, "You realize my father can take care of her"

"I know," Felicity said, "He's saved me twice just this year, but she shouldn't come into this life"

"If you're this worried about her, imagine how worried she is about you" I stated. 

"Right..." She sighed.

"Come on, Fel," I said, taking her arm. "We could be sisters"

"We already are" Felicity smiled, hugging me. We pulled back and started heading back into the restaurant. 

Wait... If Felicity is basically a Lance Sister... Than Oliver has successfully charmed every Lance sister.

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