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I zipped across, I knew Barry would be going after Eddie, one of the many people to tick him off this week. I was following them from above, Oliver was close by, not close enough to set Barry off. Laurel was following on her bike through alleyways. "Are you sure they are who he'll go after?" Caitlin asked.

"Eddie wanted to make a task force to find us, or at least our night selves," I said, running across a rooftop and jumping to the next. "He'll definitely be pissed about that"

"His suit tracker says he's closing in on your location" Cisco said.

"I'd suggest you jump down, Canary," Oliver said.

"Yep, on it," I said. I attached my zip and jumped off the building just as Barry sped over. The car stopped and Barry through Eddie onto the ground. "He's got, Eddie"

I landed a few feet from the car, "Flash!" I exclaimed.

"EDDIE!" Iris called out, hopping out of the car. I made her stand back as I took a stance.

"Heard you've been looking for me," Barry said, vibrating so Eddie or Iris didn't recognize him.

"FLASH!" I exclaimed. He whipped around to look at me.

"Leave this alone, Canary! Run back to your Archer" He said. He looked back at Eddie, "All this time you've been trying to catch me, and I caught you first"

"What's happening?" Iris asked, wanting to run over to them.

"He's been whammied" I stated. "Flash, I mean it, stand down"

Eddie pulled a gun out and began aiming it at Barry, "Guess you haven't read your girlfriend's blog" Barry smirked.

"Eddie, no!" Iris exclaimed. The gunshot rang out, and Barry just narrowly dodged it.

"Flash!" I exclaim, "This isn't you, come on"

Barry ran around Eddie, ending up on the other side of him. I attached my bo-staff, chances are we were going to have to fight. Eddie got up to tackle Barry, "Detective!" I exclaimed. I ran down towards him as Barry threw him again. I took a stance in between Eddie and Barry.

"He wants to arrest us! To put us away for doing something he can't!" Barry growled.

"That doesn't mean he deserves to be beaten!" I exclaimed.

"You use to do this all the time in Starling," Barry said, "With Arrow and your other Canary"

"We never have beaten an innocent," I said, "We went after the corrupt"

Oliver swung down and I knew immediately it would set him off. "Run," He told Eddie and Iris.

Eddie was able to run off, Iris helping him back to the car. "What the hell are you doing here!? Don't you have some blonde's heart to break again!?" Barry exclaimed at Oliver.

"This isn't you, Barry," I said. Barry went to run after Eddie, but Oliver shot an arrow just in time and tethered him. "Get him out of here!" I yelled at Iris who was getting Eddie into his car. 

"You need to calm down" Oliver stated.

"You need to hold on," Barry said, grabbing the tether. Oh no. Barry ran off, dragging Oliver with him.

"NO!" I called out, "Black Canary!"

We both hit our zips and headed in the direction Barry dragged Oliver. Barry through Oliver onto the ground. "What do we do?" Laurel asked.

"We have to distract him," I said. I turned and let out a scream, Barry looked up at me. I jumped down, aiming for him. He sped around, taking me and sticking me near a trash can, using my own zip to tie me to it.

The Archer's CanaryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang